I guess I developed an allergy to something I've been around my whole life. Hunting seasons just opened, and I've been doing a lot of hunting in short sleeves. I recently developed a rash or sorts on my left wrist. It wasnt poison ivy, I can tell by the rash. I wasnt sure until today, when I crashed my bike. The quarter pipe I just built is wider than the area I cleared on the other side, thinkin I wouldnt need to go over. One time, after I landed the jump before it kinda sketchy, I realized I was gonna go over for lack of a choice. I ended up eating shit in the weeds. Immedialty my skin felt like it was on fire. Getting up, I realized I landed in a forest full of this burning nettle shit we have a lot of. It always burns so I wasnt surprised, but I was in a lot of pain. Then, about ten mintues later, I noticed the exact same rash on my other wrist, the area that got the most on the crash. No I'm covered in this shit. Problem is I'm around it daily. I almost always stick my hand on some of it when I'm down there working and it used to just burn for a while but now I have to stay away from it which is almost impossible cause our place is full of it. Not really thread worthy but I'm pissed so I though I'd make a thread.