If you have some time on your hands fill out this survey about facebook.com and send it to: ashley_saba@hotmail.com
-What high school or college do you go to?
-How many times a day do you log onto facebook.com?\
-How much time do you spend on FB while youre logged on?
-How many profiles do you check?
-Do you look at their wall? Pictures? Updates?
-Who do you communicate with the most? Place in order of top three: Friends from school, friends from home, friends from work, friends from other schools, family, people you've never met face to face but perhaps go to your school?
-Who do you allow to be your friends? Anyone from your college? Only those you know? or anyone who wants to?
-What information is on your profile?
*address? telephone number? relationship status?sex? age? job? groups?
-When do you write on walls?
*when you havent seen someone in a long time, just quick reminders, when you're drunk?
-How much time do you spend on the phone with friends during the day? Family?
-How much time do you spend actually with youre friends?