THULE 6 (SIX) pair ski rack, used but works like new. JUST the 6 pair ski attachments is for sale. retails for like 150.
second picture from left top to right
OAKLEY PUFFY JACKET XL. SICK PUFFY USED i popped the hip pannel but you dont need that one anyway. $80
SESSIONS SHELL w/ LINER VEST size XL. GREEN AND BLACK 20k waterproofing. the fabric tore once on the arm but i fixed it with duct tape on the inside and epoxy outside. not a big deal, still super waterproof $60
OAKLEY COMBAT JACKET XL. best spring coat of all time. perfect condition black with skull camo. TEAM EDITION (waterproof) $80
RIP CURL JACKET LARGE. older model still in great shape. 10k waterproofing. fleece lined. blue with white stripes. $35
SPY HOODIE XL. like new. black with cool spy logo, zip up. $20
G3 CLIMBING SKINS. trimmed to fit elizabeths. fat and short. can be trimmed to another ski thats around 172 cms. you could even rig it to fit longer skis. $30
RED HIFI AUDIO HELMET LARGE, audio dosent work i tore the speakers out because they were blown and were annoying when I was going fast. also the clear coat seperated from the black in some spots so it gives it a cool silver effect. you can buy new audio pads or just rock as is. you can also take the pads off and have a sick spring helmet/skate helmet. $40
PLUS i still have some of those hats if you are interested. we can talk about the price. they are all wool. not the cheap red heart shit that everyone else makes hats out of.