ive ridden all sorts of skis, from the original STLs (by far the softest ski ever made) to PEs and karmas, or even something like a 6star. each extreme has SOME benifits, but LOTS of drawbacks.
soft skis are incredibly fun to jib with, and for tricking aound on flat groomers. however, try to ski anything, or hit jumps, its terrifying, and they dont have any pop. with reallly stiff skis, its the exact opposite, you can ski the shit out of them, but they are borring unless your ripping.
a nice midflex is, in my mind, the best flex to have. they can still ski pretty damn good, but you can still easily butter them around. ive been on silencers this year, and at first, theyve pretty stiff, but as i broke them in, they were perfect. still stable and skiable, but i could still crank out big butters, AND theyd explode out of them with tons of pop. a nice, midflex ski with alot of rebound and life, is, in my opinion the single best type of ski.