ever have a snowbaorder just go all out faggot on you (thats if your a skier) i mean there like.. SKIING IS FOR PUSSYS BLAH personally i think when they think of skiing, they think of old guys a woman just skiing in tights or something but personally at my home mountain.. the skiiers are more steezy than the boarders and can throw down better stuff in the park, boarders don't even realize what there saying until 20 years down the road they realize that snowboarding is the most boring shit ever.. i understand if your really really good at it and its your thing, i respect that but please snowboarders sit down and just watch long story short or some dope movie with us and you'll be fuckin amazed with what you can do with 1 thing on each foot..so yeah stop giving us shit, especially if u suck at snowboarding..that pisses me off the most
alright i've said my piece