heres my story for those who havent heard it,
I ordered Look P12 bindings, Line Skogens, and Salomon Scarecrow poles. So here I am super stoked about my stuff, I was gettin them on 3 day air, so I was all into it, so 4 day any day now i will have them... 6 day, ok now im pissed, so I called them they give me a UPS number, witch was invalid so I kept calling them back so its bout a week and a half, so I call again... the guy ends up saying Im going to get this straightened out dont worry we will call you within 6 hours, so i wait and wait... never called, so finally they end up gettin my stuff sent after about 2 weeks(remember i was suppose to recieve 3 day air). So they send it to me, after leaving a message, you will recieve your skis, bindings, and poles on 2 day air, and we also put in a bunch of free stuff, a movie, some stickers etc... for your waiting and inconvenience. So 4 days later I get my skogens skis, and my poles, I was so stoked... so I go to the box in witch they came and was like no way bindings where in here too... THEY WERENT, so again I call them and they end up gettin my bindings to me in about 3 days... so after about 3 and half weeks or more, I get all of my stuff... but the boxes where in shit condition, all beat up and the binding parts scattered inside. I also want to add, I DID NOT RECIEVE ANY FREE STUFF THEY PROMISED ME... MY MOVIES... MY STICKERS... AND SOME OTHER STUFF HE SAID THAT WAS NOT CLEAR, ALL I GOT WAS THE GETBOARDS TSHIRT THAT COMES WITH THE SKIS AND BINDINGS AND POLES!!! So that made it worse... this even more ticked me off it had like 5 brochures in it... you no there catologue.. errrrrrr die getboards
whos in da house, SACA is in the house!!! hahahahmuhahahah