OK so heres the story, (along with my stupid surfing one) but this ones a little more serious.
Last night me and all my friends were getting on the gas, and we decided to go into town , go to a foam party, and ok so my mate (21) was a bit drunk and i said naa i'll go with Shem my other friend driving, there were 7 people in Kyles (21 year old) car, and 5 in shems, and we were driving into town at like 11pm and following kyle, it was scaring coz i knew he was drunk and 7 of my best mates were in the car, and he was speeding bad, and swurving? all over the road, like nearly hitting the gutter and shit, we were like FUCK!
Then as we just got into town a taxi pulled out they thought it was the cops and burned down this other street, where kyle got a phone call from a chick asking to be picked up, thats where the night changed.
As they were on the way to pick her up a cop burned past them, he must have seen 4 people in the back seat, and he did like a huge handbreaky and pulled them over, he was wayy over the limit, but its better than my friends getting hurt.
He got 6 months disqualified drivers licence, fine of $750 and has to go to court where he'll get heaps of community survice.so theres his job fucked, coz no ride and he's gonna have a record, it was just fucked! I soo knew it was gonna happen!
Lucky we where sweet, coz on the way home, shem was going down a hill at 180kmph and i like go 'man, are you wasted?' and apparently he was the most wasted he's ever been, which was quite scary coz he's a fucken mull head. hahah, well dramatic night alright.
The biblet:
Hohef, Jebub and the 12 commandments.