Could someone please fill me in on this uber-sized XXXXXXXL jacket phase that seems to be on the rise? I haven't seen it round my post here in the mid-west, but it looks like it's exploding everywhere else. I'm not following the motives at all here. I mean in a sport dominated by skinny white guys like myself, who are we really kidding?
The word that seesms to be thrown around alot is "ghetto", something that seems to decieve me without end. It doesn't matter where you are in the continent, Vermont, Utah, Whistler, it won't take long to notice that your local ski slope is one of the furthest points from the local slums.
On top of that, they deduct from proformance if anything, we go and spend hundreds on skis that way mere pounds so that we got room for our twenty pound "ghetto tent".
What are we thinking?