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Need pow/BC jib ski...help.
Posts: 1914
Karma: 16
This year I am looking to add one more pair of sticks to the quiver.
I am 5'9" and 165-170 pounds. I ride 181 scratch fs and 175 Armada ARV's and I am looking to diversify a bit. Basically I am looking for a ski to use in the back bowls, on powder days, BC days, that sort of thing. The ARV's have been what I have been using for that sort of thing but they aren't cutting it. They are way to short, to soft and they totally hold me back in Powder and at high speed. I originally got them because I love spinning off rock drops, and building BC booters and I thought the shorter length would be desirable. After dealing with their shortcoming, I finally decided I need to get a dedicated pow/bcjib/bowls ski.
I am a very agressive strong skier, and I am looking for a ski around 190 in length and 105+ in width. I am deciding between the 190 Gotama, 189 Made'n, prophet 130, and possibly jp/julien.
For those with experience: please help me pick a ski. I am a switch skiing freak, so the ski must be able to go switch. It must be maneuverable to ski the trees, and to spin off rock drops and booters. And it must be capable of charging.
If you have a suggestion differnt from what I listed above, feel free to contribute your idea, and keep in mind I don't buy skis the year they come out, unless I find a sick deal so I am talking about last years gear.
And if you have anything for sale I might be intersted, please post.
Posts: 2847
Karma: 55
find a 185 scratch BC mount em -2
Posts: 2408
Karma: 93
Have you considered the 191 ANT from Armada? When I demo'd it last year, it performed really really well in an open bowl environment, and wasn't squirrely at all dropping cliffs at Kirkwood. I think the biggest one that day was only 15 but it still worked out really well for me.
It's an expensive ski, but there's a reason for it.
Posts: 1914
Karma: 16
I definitely have considered the ANT only reason I don't consider them more heavily is that I haven't been able to find any of last years for sale still, and when I picked them up at Jibij last year, they were like 2X4's with paint on top. Without demoing them, I don't know if the flex would suit me at my size.
Posts: 2408
Karma: 93
They aren't a TON stiffer than the 190 gotama dude. I would look into ANTs or JPvJuliens
Posts: 1285
Karma: 10
im in almost the same position. similar height and weight and style.
i am torn between the AKs, JPs, and Gotamas. my dream ski would the the gotamas but they are more expensive than i want to spend, I can find the JPs for cheap. im almost ready to start flipping coins
Posts: 414
Karma: 24
All of the skis, except the prophet, have pretty big radius'. So for tight trees I think the prophet would be best. I just bought the 130's so I have been doing a lot of research on them and it seems they are sick all around skis, light, and durable. I have seth pistols and they are heavy so i think the Made'ns would be even heavier.
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
The gotamas are definitely the best ski on your list. They float really well, they're awesome off any size cliff (see chris collin's triple back), and they simply won't chatter at any speed. At all. So they're a really good cliff/charging ski, but the JP v Juliens would probably be a better choice if you're buying them just for BC jumps. And as far as sidecut goes, you can make a ski with a big turn radius turn quickly, but you can't make a ski with a short turning radius stable.
Posts: 2706
Karma: 12
thats a tough choice, the ak enemy, jp, and gotama are all amazing skis. For a guy your size I would def. tell you to go with the jp for all off piste. Super light, strong, and the 188 size is easily long enough that your not going to bog down in the deep snow.
The Gotamas, are fucking awesome. they are alot heavier then the jp's but they are bomb proof and they never chatter. I love riding the goat's because when you're charging and your line leads into chopped up shitty bowls the gotamas cut through crud super easy.
I haven't had much time on the maden but it seemed sturdy riding a few runs on a test day. Never any good conditions to ride it where its ment to ride.
Again dude for your size I would get the jp's. I am 6' 190lbs, and I found the jps to be a little flimsy, just due to my size and weight. For you they would rock. If you can get em for cheap then I would jump on that.
Posts: 1557
Karma: 61
The jps are pretty soft for all around charging.
Posts: 1914
Karma: 16
Jea thanks a ton for the suggestions everyone...I ended up deciding on the 190 Gotama. I got a pair for 270 and they should be here in a few days. Only question left...How should I mount these bad bitches...? I know for sure I am going to mount them farther forward then recommended, the question is how much. I will definitely be riding these switch, and trying as many switch cliff/booter landings as possible, but above all I need these to be stable at speed and have good floatation. I have heard from some sources that the Gotama factory mount location is ridiculously far back. Any suggestions dudes?
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
That would be a good question to ask at the tgr or biglines forums. Or maybe pm iggyskier, I think he used to have a pair of gotamas.
Posts: 16909
Karma: 4,683
0-4cm back from core center, not true but core.
Posts: 5536
Karma: -1
Where in the hell did you find 190 Gots for two-hundred and seventy dollars?
Posts: 1914
Karma: 16
Ebay, found the listing pretty much right after it was posted I believe.
Posts: 5536
Karma: -1
Fucking steal man, good find.
Posts: 52
Karma: 10
mount them about 5mm ahead on the freeride line. That is the line closest to the tail. For a BC and powder ski, it kicks ass
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