Ok so I finnally pursuaded my mom to let me drive her Alfia Romaio Spider. It was damn fun. I am only 15 and have about 30 hours in so we started off in the parking lot. contrairy to what she had said I found it quite easy. I took it out on the road and drove my self to school no prob. Damn that is a fucking fun car!
so the thing that sucks about all this and the reason she let my drive it is that she is selling it tommarow. she is selling it because she dowsn't find it fun enough anymore compaired to how safe, reliable and practical it is. It is not terably un-relyable we just have trouble fingins michanices that know that they are doing on it.
Any help to pursuade her not to sell it?
'it would be funny if someone went up to a skier and broke their skis over their knee,'
-my snowboarder friend who shortly afterwards got his ass kicked.