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I'm tired of all these rate my threads...
Posts: 10281
Karma: 36
so, this is the rate my name thread.
real life name so you don't start btiching about the search bar
my name is Sheldon
I, of course, give myself a 10
Posts: 1919
Karma: 1,573
3 becuase i know a kid named layman and i fucking hate him
I am Chad
Posts: 2182
Karma: 4
7 chad sounds like an ivy leauge name, hey i'm chad
i'm luigi
Posts: 2930
Karma: 166
10, possibly almost the best name ever
Posts: 1202
Karma: 12
Posts: 2210
Karma: 12
7 because i know a billy thats cool, but marked down for being a name that i think of a hick when i hear it.
im joe donohoe
Posts: 2720
Karma: 49
I give you a 6. Like said before its a very common name.
My name is Tyler Karl Sindel
Posts: 863
Karma: 68
Tyler doen't sound bad but still its pretty common... 7
Antoine Marcheterre is my name.
Posts: 1754
Karma: 110
i like antoine. 9
my names charles philibert
Posts: 245
Karma: 18
haha i like ure last name. 8
im sophie
Posts: 303
Karma: 40
Sophie..... Nice....8
I'm Jonathan Brzys
Try pronouncing my last name
Posts: 1282
Karma: 14
my name is niels.
quite ill
Posts: 8558
Karma: 512
tyler layne marsland
im cool i never use my middle name
Posts: 686
Karma: 59
haha, Mars Land dope 9
im julien
Posts: 5238
Karma: 1,359
8 cause its rare. the name's Benedetto Miraglia, put it here my good friend
Posts: 2182
Karma: 4
7 because you stole my last name, i'm Luigi Antonio Miraglia, how u doin?
Posts: 305
Karma: 17
I like your name, it's sexy, like Victoria, whats her secret anyway? you get a 8
My name is Michael
Posts: 1787
Karma: 52
Posts: 102
Karma: 10
i knew this woman who had no arms or legs named robin. she typed with her nose.
My name is Graham
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