so about 3 weeks ago my dads girlfriend got a dog (she lives with us.) we adopted it from a pound, we dont know how old it is, 4-8 yr and hes deaf.
the day my dads gf got him, she brought him to work (shes a nurse, she brings it in and her patients play/pet him.) so she was talking to him the whole dway to work (
not knowing hes deaf) and when she gets there she tuns around and hes gone! the whole way to her work she takes a county route w/ no stopsigns or stoplights, 55 mph speed limit (rt 29 for an upstate ny'ers) she realizes the ony place he could have gone was jump ouut the window
She turns around and drives 45 mins home and didnt see him. its 2 am so its dark out and hard to see. on he way home she sees him walking along the road and picks him up.
yesterday my brother went over o my dads and when he pulls up he sees hte dog in the driveway. noone was home and he looks up and sees a huge hole in my other brothers screen and the blinds are all messed up. the dog fuckin jumped out of a 2nd story window to my driveway. he brings him inside, and runs outside t pulll the car in my driveway and my dogs in the window about to do it again! its pretty ironic cause hes a springer spaniel.