Please, either post here, or PM me with an explanation as to why you would make this thread.
Seriously, what was the point? Do you think that it was funny? Well, I have some news, there are people who do come on NS who have lost their Mother. And really, I don’t think that “haha, I gave your Mom Aids, look at how cool I am, haha” is very appropriate. Do you find it hard to make friends? Is that why you did this? Or is it because your trying to convey the opposing fact of your sexuality. By claiming to have given my Mother Aids, you would have to have engaged in straight sex. However, by making this thread, I would understand that you are more than likely homosexual, and trying to make us believe that you are indeed heterosexual.
Or could it be that you were trying to loose your pitiful “Newb” status by making one more post? I really don’t care.
-This thread wasn’t funny
-It was pointless
-You wasted exactly 37 seconds of your life making it
So, I would suggest your contact a moderator to delete this thread.
I’ve been seeing so many of these threads lately. There starting to get old. If you want to talk about spreading aids, go to some porn forum. This is a ski site. Come here to discuss skis, skiers, and ski related topics. Not how you gave Aids to someone, from your pet cat in which to whom you contracted it from.
I would like to thank-you for being an idiot. I had nothing better to do with my time that to point out how gay you, and this thread are.