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A Hypothesis concerning screamo
Posts: 1188
Karma: 11
We've all heard the earsplitting tones that are 'screamo', but do we ever wonder? Wonder why scream? Why start screaming now? Music has been around for a long time (234124 years?) but only now have artists resorted simply to screaming as a means of communicating their emotions rather than through heartfelt, expressive lyrics. Dont get me wrong, some bands can scream and I am ok with it. By some I pretty much mean Thursday and the occasional glasjaw song. So, is screamo simply a result of an incapable lyricist with insatiable inner-conflict or what it seems?
Posts: 1698
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They scream, who cares, it sounds sick if it's done right.
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Posts: 6475
Karma: 18
Nah they can just do it, people like it, they like the people and its all good. Another good screamo band is between the buried and me
Posts: 301
Karma: 10
maybe it just feels good? anyone ever just gone for a good scream, it's pretty effing satisfying...music isn't 100% only for the benefit of the audience.
Posts: 1776
Karma: 13
I think tasteful screaming is ok, like Lostprophets or Funeral For a Friend.
Posts: 3304
Karma: 301
^ you my friend are a faggot. lost prophets are terrible and if u consider them good screamo then you have no idea. ffaf is good though
but man its jsut a genre, its hardcore mixed with emo. you know they dont scream cuz they dont know what to say its jsut a style of music. its kids who like hardcore but like other shit to
Posts: 1698
Karma: 9
There's shitty screamo, like that emo kid who posted his band music here once. ANd then there's stuff like Number 12 Looks LIke You, which is pretty dope. But death growls are where it's at. Lik the Black Dahlia Murder(L)
Posts: 156
Karma: 10
ppl listen to screamo cuz there gay
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Karma: 348
buddy, they are still screaming words. Go take a read at some of alexisonfires lyrics. They are in no way bad at all, better than kiesha chante or any other black teen thinking they are hot shit.
Posts: 2022
Karma: 23
thursday fuckin blows.
lost prophets are not screamo.
they are shit.
listen to silverstein.
thats good screamo.
listen to a static lullabye. their old stuff.
and their super new stuff.
Posts: 2022
Karma: 23
PS: alexisonfire.
fuckin GOOD screamo.
crisis is the best album i have ever heard in the genre.
Posts: 3304
Karma: 301
^ yeh crissis is amaazing, all of their cd's are sick. but the new thursday aint bad yeh they got real emo shit but half their music is good screamo. they at least havent sold out or changed much jsut like alexisonfire.
Posts: 1698
Karma: 9
Silverstein is a fucking joke
Posts: 3304
Karma: 301
da fuck did i do? i love evry band u mentioned to be good so eat a dick
Posts: 1698
Karma: 9
Im assuming the 3 arrows, are pointing to the post 3 above yours. Where the guy claiming Silverstein to be good. Calm down
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
It's a diffrernt way to express yourself.
I see no problem.
It's a way to create sounds meant purely for interpretation anyways, why the dislike???
Posts: 1892
Karma: 16
what was your hypothesis? i think i missed it.
Posts: 6974
Karma: 79
Yeah, man. If you're going to do a hypothesis then you're going to need to do it properly... If - Then form.
Posts: 3304
Karma: 301
my bad bro, dont eat a dick i take it back.
but hate to say it but silverstein still kills it live or at least 3 years ago when i saw they did
Posts: 2022
Karma: 23
are you fucking serious? they are straight up metal. next you will be telling me that zao is screamo.
grind is sick. and some metal is sick.
but silverstein is definitely screamo, and they dont just throw in a few screams. i would put them WAY above hawthorne heights, who fucking blow live and on cd.
the bled is screamo, but more hardcore than screamo. the key to knowing if a band is screamo is if they have emo influences. thursday fits into that definition perfectly, but i am NOT a fan of his voice.
but yeah, to whoever called as i lay dying screamo, fuck you in the neck.
Posts: 1698
Karma: 9
But wait! Then how can I classify what I listen to? IT'LL BE ANARCHY
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
I'm fairly certain the thread creator was not aware of this. A very small percentage of bands that utilize screaming vocals would fall under the screamo genre.
Posts: 3552
Karma: 24
the root word of screamo is EMO
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
Or could it possibly have to do with scream? You know, since it doesn't even contain the word "emo?"
Posts: 2585
Karma: 16
haha there's been a fair few emocore bands mentioned, a fair few metalcore bands mentioned too, however I haven't seen any real 'screamo' bands listed (Antioch Arrow, I Robot, Moss Icon). You could argue that it's not even a real genre, it's a musical characteristic that several emo/emo violence/emocore bands use to express extreme emotions, and effectively I might add.
Posts: 4243
Karma: 138
The true thing to think about right now, would be why people who listen to such genre's of music like screamo, are so defensive of their music. Never have I seen people rise up and fight opinions so stupidly.
Music is generally opinion, it's something we interpret and take what we can from it. But for some reason these people want to classify every band in a specific genre, and god help us we can't get that genre wrong.
Posts: 1149
Karma: 19
this thread is lame. cant we trash like country or r&b or something.
Posts: 1699
Karma: 459
Im not going to debate you, because I agree that Silvestein is "pop" with hardcore references...But you are also bashing on me completly unaware that I listen to Throw Down, Terror, Verse, Bane (all old school hardcore) to Children of Bodom, Cradle of Filth, As I Lay Dying (newer metal) to thrash, punk, older metal...
...essentially, you are preaching to someone who agrees with what you said, and was just commenting on a band in the genre that the thread was refering to...
Posts: 129
Karma: 11
i must admit silverstein sucks complete and total balls
but some good screamo is a static lullaby,bullet for my valentine,AIDEN!! FUCKING AMAZING but only some songs are screamo..and whoever considers hawthorne heights screamo deserves to die in a hole
Posts: 3304
Karma: 301
^^^ haha yeh foreal. if u like aiden then u might as well put as mcuh white make up on ur face and then listen to my chemical romance and slit u fag
Posts: 2100
Karma: 23
Seriously; all of you need to like go smoke a bowl, go outside. play a video game, etc and stop worrying about shit like this.
Posts: 1601
Karma: 86
Posts: 6920
Karma: 348
hawthorne hieghts screaming sounds like the first few breaths you can reatain after you get the wind knocked out of you. Its more of just a coarse whisper. in short hawthorne hieghts are snaggleflags.
Posts: 2300
Karma: 48
I like how someone classified Bane and Terror as old-school hardcore. I've got nothing against it, I do the exact same thing, but true old-school hardcore is shit like Black Flag and Minor Threat, which for some reason these days is just considered old-school punk. But as far as screaming goes, I like what fireunderwater said.
Posts: 1699
Karma: 459
Yea...if you want to get down to it, its not "old school" hardcore...but labels get so broad...and the fact that bands like Bane and Terror started adding elements to the music that are now being considered benchmarks of modern hardcore. Essentially, bands like them were a key stepping stone in the evolution of "old school hardcore" to new school hardcore bands like Bury Your Dead, Since the Flood, and Black My Heart.
PS, If you havent heard Black My Heart yet...do it. They are amazing.
Posts: 215
Karma: 10
listen to some g-unit or pac , thats some dope screamo
Posts: 79
Karma: 10
People have screamed as a way of expressing themselves in music for as long as music has been around. Just because you don't know about it, doesn't mean it never existed.
Posts: 534
Karma: 11
Screamo is the result of being wedgied in highschool!
Posts: 90
Karma: 36
of course skiing has been around for a while. but people never built parks or slid rails...so why should we do it now?
because its fun and its progression
i think the same principal goes to music
Posts: 3189
Karma: 15
i dont even recognize screamo as music.
Posts: 3215
Karma: 43
hey screamo is the shit. its actually pretty hard to get a good scream. also greeley estates is the shit
Posts: 644
Karma: 10
the first alexisonfire album was mostly sceaming for vocals but you could make out what they were saying, just. but crisis, the new album is mostly singing which is weird.
Posts: 2
Karma: 10
im personal friends with some screamers from some pretty sick local bands. You can have the same expressive, deep lyrics in a scream than just simply singing. Screaming does not limit lyrics...it just takes a better listener to understand.
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