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Freestyle skiing popularity currenty= when was snoboarding popularity equal to that
Posts: 306
Karma: 37
yea i was jus thinkin the other day as far as freestyle skiings popularity now goes when was snoboarding equal(ex;93,94) i think this kind of an intersting thing to figure out as a judge to see when the sport will achive things like the olympics and the huge popularity snoboarding has now. or do u guys think that our sport will ever be as big as snoboarding is now?
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Wow, you need to work on your english skills.
Posts: 62
Karma: 10
freeskiing already kicks snowboardings ass.
Posts: 9366
Karma: 445
i want it to get more popular, but not too popular, i actually like it how it is now
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probably right around '94, with far more advanced product, and more modern videos/magazines.
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
i like how it is now. i like the shit now, but popularity of a couple years ago was cool and underground
Posts: 6598
Karma: 18
yea right now i like it, i do agree tho that it seemed a bit more origonal a few years back. Like the guys above me said "a bit more underground"
Posts: 1865
Karma: 490
it was waay cooler 2 years ago, when i jussst was barely getting started..and skiers had just started to be allowed into the parks (after snowbladers at my hill, which is honestly the gayest thing looking back on it) way more underground, and everybody thought it was stupid until they saw it
Posts: 2904
Karma: 12
i hope your just saying that because you like it better, cuz currently snowboarding is doing better than freestlye skiing. but skiing will make it up. its got momentum.
Posts: 648
Karma: 239
i agree that alot has changed in 2 years, but i mean look back, thats the 04-05 season. it was getting started way before that. man look at the 1080s what was that 98-99 season? thats when it all started. even before that with Eric pollard making his own twins. but i would agree with skiing being placed around the 92,93ish area right now. that would mean that in another 11 years (2017) skiing would be "in perspective" at the olympic level competitivly. and anyone you walked up to on the street would know what freeskiing is and what twin tips were. and no-one would be wondering why we were skiing backwards.
wow i cant even imagine
Posts: 6651
Karma: 1,286
how many snowboarding online communitys is there?
Posts: 1918
Karma: 16
we're fuckin core still. maybe if shawn white dies in a horrific plane crash people will stop getting a wet about snowboarding. big deal some red headed douche can through tens on both sides but in skiing its no big deal to through 1260's (this years US OPEN slopestyle and big air AND halfpipe) greg tufflemeyer throughs 12's in the pipe but ESPN is still pimping shawn white cause he's got ig money sponsors like target and T mobile.
sorry for the strangely placed anti shawn white rant but i was just thinking about that.
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Karma: 36
i didn't sleep with your wife
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Posts: 1188
Karma: 11
They are different sports and we are already co-existing. Not to mention we are co-existing with what snowboarding is currently. We really can't quantify things so simply and figure out what skiing will be with an equation. All we can do is be (and have fun being).
Posts: 731
Karma: 9
haha dude two years ago we were begining to be let into parks? i can remember 5 years ago it was normal to see a skier in the parks.
id say we are probably like 96 97ish compared to snowboarding, but we are growing and catching up to snowboarding sooooo much faster, id say in like 3 years we will almost be equal to snowboarding, i heard on tv awhile ago that freestyle skiing is the fastest growning extreme sport.
just think about how it was only 3 years ago, a ton of the shit people were doing is considered gay now, and thats 3 years! thats nothing, then think about skateboarding like 10 years ago, and it has hardly changed, freestyle skiing 10 years ago hardly even existed, 5 or 6 years ago people were doing gay mogul tricks and had 0 style, now its like a completely different sport.
i think skiing wins for the fastest growing sport.
Posts: 3434
Karma: 2,724
i tink dat skiing kick snowboarder ass easily
Posts: 146
Karma: 11
Not to mention how much higher we get out of a pipe than snowboarders...what would you guys say about 5-8 feet on average?
Posts: 146
Karma: 11
But we really shouldn't hate, Its just that I ride with snowboarders and I try to explain how much faster, higher, and crazier these skier kids are throwin down nowadays...they aint tryin to hear it
Posts: 163
Karma: 10
I dont know if you have ever tried throwing the same stuff you do on skiis on a board, but it can be a lot trikier. Landing on one edge is sketch.
Posts: 1194
Karma: 87
i here girls always talk about how skiers are lame. most of the time i just laugh.
Posts: 872
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Posts: 2171
Karma: 214
what are you guys talking about? snowboarding will never be as sick as skiing. I have nothing against snowboarding its pretty sick.... but were comparing it to skiing... come on.. Skiing is the shit
Posts: 2499
Karma: 69
ya they do but, thats because girls are stupid trend whores who love to jump on the bandwagon so they can feel more excepted by the norm.
Posts: 1077
Karma: 15
shaun white hating is sooo two years ago. face it, hes worth the hype. this year he did not lose a contest he entered. thats quite impressive. every halfpipe, slopestyle and rail jam he entered he won. granted, he only entered one rail jam and two slopestyles, thats still outrageous. two seasons ago the white ablum came out and it proved to be one of the better videos of the year, even though it was basically just him. and comparing him to tufflemyer is crazy. tufflemyer was considered good years ago before freesking had style. his 1260 has got to be one of the ugliest manuevers ever done on skiers and easily surpassed by every pro skier and rider out there now. besides, 1260s and 1440s are kinda ugly in general no matter who does them.
snowboarding paved the way the for freeskiing to accelarate and grow way faster. however, i don't think it will match snowboarding simply because its one discipline in a sport with many disciplines, but snowboarding is separate in and of itself.
Posts: 14
Karma: 10
it is cool that it is still undrgrnd right now...that is what built snowboarding...staying low and get'n shit done.
Posts: 3049
Karma: 173
skiing is better than snowboarding
Posts: 2839
Karma: 149
i personally dont think shaun white should have won the x games halfpipe but im not a judge so i cant really talk...
Posts: 1219
Karma: 26
actually pipe skiing has closed the x-games for the past 2 years, were not very far from snowboarding. you never hear of skiers quitting for snowboarding these days, snowboarders are quitting to ski.....only thing that isnt as big yet in skiing is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, thats because companies like siver etc are new compared to the snowboard companies that have been there like 20 years that have tons of cash now.
Posts: 939
Karma: 29
i love to ski more than anything but itll never be at the same level as snowboarding. the entire evolution of it is tricking.since day one snobordin has been about spins flips grinds and grabs
Posts: 939
Karma: 29
Posts: 6651
Karma: 1,286
are you kidding me? i couldnt even watch that whole video
Posts: 575
Karma: 15
Very well said the x games need to stop being into sponsors and shit. Also I hate the snowboarders who think their the shit and think skiings gay. Most snowboarders are chill but i hope they go back to skiing.
Posts: 2428
Karma: 5
i think its good as long as i can wake up throw 2 boards on my feet and go out and ride
Posts: 2675
Karma: 49
haha today some 12 year old kids laughed at me cuz i ski
Posts: 4221
Karma: 13
i dunno whenever im in the park its mostly freestyle skiiers not snowboarders so its gettin pretty popular but i like how racing(gay) limits how many people have the time to freeski i do hate how racing peeps give newschoolers a bad image at my mtn
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