At aother board I'm on, this big heated debate got started over seperation of church and state, along with crazy republicans running our country and were they're sending our money....and along with the predicatable BURN THE CONSERVATIVE BASTARDS chants came out, along with omgur soooo right i hate republiucans they suck they suck and can't do anything, I posted this.....Now, I'm no conservative, or republican for that matter, but think about it before you make a blind blanket statement. Yah a good chuck of them ARE actually crazy and with money and power are extremly dangerous to the American way of life, but there is stragety behind it all...
My response was in response to the article linked at the bottom of my quoted reply.
U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris"
"In an interview with the Florida Baptist Witness, the weekly journal of
the Florida Baptist State Convention, Harris described her faith,
saying it animates "everything I do," including her votes in Congress."
That should speak volumes to you all. Guys, really. She knows what
she's doing, and I can almost positively assure you all she knows what
shes doing, and isn't a compltete raving lunatic.
Mid-Term elections coming up, and In my opinion the most important
mid-terms ever, with the white house up for grabs shortly
after....She's doing this in FL. A state of all older, retired, mainly
heavily conservative/republican men and women. Push for the old vote
since the republican/conservatives has lost all sentiment with younger
and now losing ground with the middle age crowd too.
Tell a baptist magazine, in FL, at a convention, you love love love
faith, and totally believe in it all, win over those oldies, get the
vote in a state you usually have on lock, and walk away dirty and a
complete sinner.
Works wonders.
Same thing happened with the Bush Administration doing for abortion
bannnation and blocking gay-marraiges, regather faith in your waivering
party, espically in older-aged, basically conservative states, before
they fall off your band-wagon of hate and sin like the rest of the
increasingly smartening country.",0,5266401.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines