On sunday night, I ordered a Canon ZR80 (refurbished) from
www.preferredphoto.com for $190. (please, nobody turn this into a "why the fuck didnt you get a GL2?" thread) Well anyways, I had never heard of the store before, so before i bought it, I looked on bizrate.com and the store had an okayish, not too great, not bad either rating. So i went ahead and bought it. So a day after I buy it, i get an e-mail saying i need to call to confirm my order, so i do, and they just try and sell me more stuff. I said no, and they guy kept trying and trying to get me to buy more stuff, but in the end, i didnt, and he said he was going to send it out to be shipped. STill hasent been shipped, and ive google around a bit, and apperenlty preferredphoto is basically a scam, and they sell really cheap stuff, and then when you order it, they send you an e-mail, and ask you to call, and then screw you buy selling you 150$ batteries and stuff. And, I pretty much am not expecting to get a camcorder at this point, and hope they dont charge my mom credit card.