canada is so fucking cool. i went up there last week for a race (for crew) and partied my ass off. we went to a beach on lake ontario and saw these people by a bonfire at night. these people were so shitfaced, and were from toronto (i was in ontario). they were drinking with there kids too. then one of the parents rolled a joint and smoked it with her daughter... i was like what the fuck is going on?
well me and my friend drank a little less than half a 1.4 liter bottle of vodka, went to the people's boat who had the bonfire and chilled with the daughters and some other kids (the boat was docked, we didnt drive around but it was still fun). then we went to the bars and i ordered a bunch of beers (im only 16, and they didnt card me). when we were drivin back i started yelling some funny shit in the car and i cant remember anything after that.
i want to move to canada so badly, except that a 1.4 liter bottle of absolute costed 35 canadian dollars!