How does one define free will, is it a conscious decision? Is it every decision we make or only the ones we realize and really decide why we are making a choice? Is there really such a thing as free will, or are we just all wheels in a huge machine? I hate to think that is how society functions, but it may be closer to the truth than we like to think it is.
We evolved from animals, who in a general sense do not exercise free will. Yes, they make day to day decisions, but these are based upon survival? Humans at the basic level are very similar, we “choose” to eat drink sleep ect because it is programmed into us for the very reason of survival. Without the passion for all that carries on our species, we would cease to exist. Now the real question is where is the break from our animal instincts that defines free will? One can argue it is in decisions we make for reasons other than survival that are devoid of outside influence. However, in my opinion, free will arises when one makes a fully conscious decision through reflection upon themselves.
Many people never undergo this process. The work, eat, sleep, party ECT, without really sitting back and reflecting upon what they are doing. Without this I do not believe free will is in play. There is too many outside influences unconsciously pushing you towards a decision. People suck up to their bosses, obey the law, and go to work every day without thinking whether or not they will be able to look back and say “that’s who I want to be.”
Society has evolved in a way that everything is trying to push you into decisions spontaneously without thinking about the consequences. Politics, law, the media all push things upon us portraying them as good or bad. People take in this and act upon it without using analytical and/or abstract thought to influence their decision. They have in a sense, become gears in a machine; consume, work, sleep, devoid of thought and free will.
So your part of a machine you ignorant fucker, and so am I.