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Colby west is the next truly great skier
Posts: 3842
Karma: 192
andy mahre is an amazing skier, and i know what your thinking, but not quite. just in that colby west is in fact the worlds next truly great skier. after watching him this summer i can confidently say that he is the best skier i have ever witnessed
Posts: 61836
Karma: 125,529
Word john. I was riding with him on the t-bar and hes just like "so what trick should i do next" so of course i made him do a zero.
Posts: 8556
Karma: 1,020
no more of these threads please.
Posts: 3842
Karma: 192
hey, i just had to make a point
Posts: 8556
Karma: 1,020
the poitn was made earlier..andy is the best now drop it.
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he is short and has a beard
so yes
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That was kind of a dick thing to say - obviously the guy is more stoked on Colby than Andy, so he's presenting another bandwagon for us all to ride dick on, not a big deal. He's making a new point, his point is not one made earlier, otherwise he wouldn't have made the thread, lol.
Posts: 8602
Karma: 539
at one point, when i was at Stratton for the VTOpen, i claimed "Colby West was the most impressive person i've seen on skis ever." he did one of those flawless switch misty 7's with the mute like BLAUW! but it doesn't matter, because there everyone has something that makes them a good unique skier. These threads are stupid.
Posts: 611
Karma: 16
i agree that these threads are dumb...but what about sammy carlson?
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Colby is good at dodging cars therefor, dodging balls.
Posts: 2020
Karma: 13
at the heli shoot he did a helmet cam over the big table (85 feet at the time) filming peter. and since it was a hlemet cam shot, not only did he grab tail he didnt look to spot his landing or anything like that. he was like 8 feet from olenick the whole time and had his eyes locked on him.
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Karma: 111
last summer i was joking and said do a sw 7 dub nose then he did it so i got him some delicious choCOlate milk
Posts: 1506
Karma: 58
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Karma: 106
this one time he did a Zero spin while filming me behind him doin a swich 7...thats talent
Posts: 3837
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Posts: 3360
Karma: 111
the first year i went to cam pep filmed him that same way same trick... ur in good company
Posts: 2068
Karma: 12
can he ski? or just do tricks... im pretty sure andy mahre is so great all around.
Posts: 4935
Karma: 173
ya he's a real cool guy too, i cant wait to go get a hand pie wif him next summer, that is of course four and twenty is still open
Posts: 7436
Karma: 1,540
saved me from typing it lets just say everyone is the next truly great skier hokay? good!
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Karma: 480
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Karma: 4,889
he started the double true nose revolution, from now on we should just call it a west grab
Posts: 6753
Karma: 68
he's good, but i don't personally think he'll ever be the level of the GREAT skiers of today (tanner for instance)... I mean, the kid's pretty much amazing, but in terms of redefining what we think of skiing as.... I dont know, I don't see the same potential in Colby as I do in Andy... I also think that Andy has an incredible awareness of what skiing is and what it can be, where as colby and sammy are just really good at it....
Posts: 5063
Karma: 2,478
nope, i agree with this thread 100%. he probably wont ever be on the same level as pep or pollard, because he grew up in the EC, but he is amazing in park. i skied with him at keystone he slayed everything and it was clear it was natural for him... definatley a very talented skier
Posts: 3357
Karma: 66
funny story...
colby west once snuck into the plymouth state dining hall, wait now that i think of hit. hes done it more than once. that conniving bastard
Posts: 3360
Karma: 111
i ve heard he's a good soccer playser and most importantly can talk in a way that makes you believe his real name is tyrone
Posts: 6009
Karma: 11
colby and I were a force to be reckoned with in the Canada vs US HIGH NORTH WORLD CUP GAME
Posts: 181
Karma: 2
He sleeps in a car, right?
Posts: 2022
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Posts: 7935
Karma: 25
i dont know many skiers that can first try ski by and untatualy switch up HNs s rail right in the middle of the thing
Posts: 176
Karma: 165
Yeh Colby is on his way to being the best but i dont think hes the best yet.
Posts: 1494
Karma: 1,291
I saw dan marion filming john symms doin double backs in Andorra at a 80 feet table no problem and totally still, so I don't think thats enough of a reason to say hes so great. both mahre and colby are great skiers, but theyre def not the best
Posts: 3713
Karma: 218
colby was doing a zero spin in front of pete doing like sw 9 i think. not just a follow cam
Posts: 8345
Karma: 25
hows the mail order wife jeff
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Posts: 1154
Karma: 106
he LOOKS 20 but he's actually only 15..
Posts: 239
Karma: 164
who's colby west?
hahah just kidding. i think colby has "redefined the way people think about skiing" because he was among the first to popularize (is that a word?) the double tip grab, and make it look good by really grabbing true tip and straightening the legs out. a lot of kids grab pretty high up and straighten the legs, but colby really gets way out there on the tip and makes the grab his own. ive always enjoyed watching colby ski both in segments and in competition. one time he almost cut my head off doing the fakie misty mute right over my filming spot on the knuckle. it made for a great shot, which is always nice, and a fun experience. andy mahr never did that to me. so personally, my props go out to colby. peace
Posts: 239
Karma: 164
o yeah and i really believed he was kipp dynamite too. so props for that.
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Karma: 1,472
isnĀ“t he 21 or something ?
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