Replying to Terrorism- WHAT THE FUCK???
Disclaimer- this is probably one of the more politically incorrect things that I've written. The point is not to sound racist, but instead to get others to think about these things in a wider view than they may realize is possible. Yes I realize that these people in the current events are from England, but this whole thing is the demon spawn of the fucked up region that we call the middle east.
Turn on the news and find out for yourself. So some ragheads decided it would be a good idea to blow up some plains. WHAT THE HELL ELSE IS NEW?
What the fuck do these people think they are going to accomplish here? What is their end goal? If some third world camel jockeys blew up 1,2,5,10, or 20 planes, what would it do? It would get the US and many in the western world really pissed and upset for a while. There would vigils, TV news specails (complete with montage), the western leaders will hold press conferences promising to “stand together” and that “we will be unparalleled in our vigilance in bringing these people to justice” (or some other empty statement), a Hollywood rendition profiting off of the whole thing within 5 years, and eventually some sort of memorial. Fuck that. Do they actually think that they can defeat us in some way or change us? Without oil, they are NOTHING on the world stage. WHAT THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY CAN ACCOMPLISH AS AN END GOAL? To get us out of the middle east? FINE. Lets leave Iraq to degenerate into civil war. We shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Lets pull out of Dubai and Saudi Arabia. But let one thing be clear- No more oil for food. We’ll see how competitive they think they are on the world stage when we control the price of exported grain and the price of a loaf of bread goes up 200 fold in a week.
Lets take a minute to discuss the middle east. In all honesty, their isn't much that the middle east has to offer the rest of the world. Yes, there were some interesting civilizations there a couple thousand years ago, but it is pretty much a giant shithole as of now. They have oil and sand and not nearly enough arable to feed their people (less than 4 percent throughout the region). Without oil for food, they would be pretty much fucked. I think it is time. Lets find a viable alternative to oil and let the middle east rot. NO MORE OIL FOR FOOD, NO MORE AID. The minute the last drip of oil leave that godforsaken sandbox of a region, no one in the world will give a shit about them. They’ll be hung out to dry with their second hand goods and their dates. They can run around chopping each others heads of and honor raping their women while they choke on sand and starve to death. We can sit back with our hydrogen power while we watch them become Africa 2.0
Now, what the fuck do we think we can accomplish from our side? Do we honestly think that this problem will be eliminated in our lifetime or even in the next 200 years? In all honesty, what is our end goal? We are playing at their level, and that is the problem. How many times are we going to let these people nip at our blow up planes and busses and subways in the name of some bullshit religion before we actually do something about it? We don’t need to wipe them off the map- they will do that themselves. We need to sit back and watch them rot. No more political correctness, no more random searches. There haven’t been too many Asian soccer mom or white grandmother terrorists in history, so let them go through security and search a more likely suspect.
And as for England, what the hell do they expect? They have been housing and feeding these people for years now. They haven’t stopped the hate speech in the streets where the radical muslims chant “BOMB BOMB ENGLAND, BOMB BOMB USA. KILL KILL TONY BLAIR. YOU WILL PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD”. I’ll give you a hint England- it is the same fucking people chanting who later try to blow up airplanes and subways. Arrest them one the street while they are all banded together and dump them into the English Channel.
And as for the media- FUCK THE MEDIA. Fear mongering is getting old. Part of this is leading to an institution of fear and control. People are becoming more and more dependant on the government, thinking that they need them more than ever before because they are afraid to get on subways, busses, and trains. Stop watching the news and supporting this. WE DON’T NEED TO BE SO AFRAID. When I was 12, I didn’t have to deal with this shit. There was no threat risk colors, there was no ticker on the bottom of the screen. There was no talk of terrorism everyday on the news. Does anyone remember when there wasn’t a ticker on the bottom of the screen? IT WAS LESS THAN 6 YEARS AGO WHEN THE TICKER STARTED. We don’t need messages of fear rolling across the bottom of the screen while other messages of fear are spoken aloud. This is not the world we deserve for our future, enough is enough.
And finally, one can come up with literally thousands of conspiracy theories about the illuminati controlling us or oil industry corruption being responsible for a lack of alternative fuels. There is only one thing that can start to bring about the beginning of the end of this whole thing- You and I. Let the government know that we don’t think we need them as much as they think we need them. Let the oil companies know that we won’t put up with them holding alternative energy patents any longer, and lets put our energy into finding an alternative to oil so we can get the hell out of the middle east.
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