1. the most anoying thing about the forum is that the sigs are jsut blended into the messages. Make 2 separate boxes for the message and the persons signature!
2. Split the forum up into more separate sections so that threads stay on the main page for more than 2 hours. (tricks, places to ski, music, politics, general discussion, freestyling, etc.)
3. Make a quick-post box at the bottom of the thread so that you dont have to load a new page to post.
4. On the list of thread, show who the last poster was so that people don't have to open up the thread when nothing new has been posted.
5. At the bottom of each forum section (ski-gabber, non-skigabber, etc.) make links to all other sections.
6. At the top of each section, show which members are currently browsing that section.
These things are all possible, I've seen them in other forums, and they would make it a lot easier.