this is probably not gonna be too impressive, but i was put in a really awkward situation just now. so in 8th grade i was really strait edge and basically hated everything to do with alcohol and weed. since then i have obviously changed. so today i had to go out and buy candles for this kids mom. anyways, i way oversleep so i am super mellow. then i wake up and realize that i forgot to do my laundry. i finally find a clean shirt and of corse it is a corona shirt. normally i wouldnt wear this exept for parties and stuff but whatever. so i head over the the mall (a pretty upperclass mall too). i walk in and immediately get weird looks cuz i stand out like a soar thumb amonst the hundreds of soccer moms and old people in my corona shirt. then im buying a hot dog and two girls that i used to go to school with randomly show up. so i havent seen these girls since 8th grade so they were like what the fuck. the last time they saw me i was super against alcohol. then i was super mellow for myself so they might have also thought i was high. whatever, i just talked to them for a while. then i go to buy candles and just about got kicked out of the store. i was seriously getting bad looks from the employees. i thought it was over, but then my friends mom who thinks i am a super great kid sees me and gives me a funny look and pretends not to notice it. i really felt kinda bad. i guess karma is a bitch after all