i have a few simple requests. now, be forewarned that if you do agree to heed these requests, it may eliminate 97% of your usual posting material.
request 1.
can the word 'ignorant' please be eliminated from usage. please. if you cannot find another word to use in its place, then you probably shouldnt be using it to label others. its just getting old and cliche. please. (this also goes for the americans that find it rolling off their fingertips in like accusations towards the aforementioned partys.)
request 2.
i take issue with the fact that many of you, namely phatt tim, NMK and others, repeatedly tell us that our media is pro american propaganda... no, really? ya dont say?! its not like your dropping any new information on us here. obviously american media will have an american slant to it. just as the syrian media ran a program in islamic architecture instead of the images of the iraqis celebrating in the streets... can i get a witness here? of course american media is pro america! dont ever tell me that again. i also never want to hear the statements about 'did you know that everyone hates you?' 'did you know that all other countries laugh at you?' 'did you know that other countries run your news as humor?' 'did you know that that is the nth time you have told us that?' cmon...new info please. if youre trying to make americans self concious about their standing in the world, i dont know that that kind of banter is gonna do the trick.
request 3.
please realize that no one here really knows what they are talking about as far as international relations and foreign policy are concerned. none of us have access to the information that would be necissary to even begin to make an informed analyisis of the situation at hand. all we can hope to do is make a conjecture based upon personal political persuasion, and what we see and hear, and no matter how ardent youre opinion, its not necisarily right. it makes me wonder when people get to the point where they acuse others of screwing sheep in lieu of making an intelligible post. if thats the best ya got, you may want to consider taking your own life. this goes for all baseless and rediculous insults that run rampant here.
i personally like the political threads, and sometimes interesting points are made, however i think that i have now responded to enough of the same statements to where it is becoming pointless and repetitve.
i guess in denouement, my final request is that we try and keep the political discuissions fresh. if youre just going to rehash an invalid point for the 34th time in the same thread, please, just dont do it. exercise some self control. if, however, you do have realevant info, please do share it! if youre just going to banter on in a meaningless fashion, go to the shit talking thread. all of this really goes for everyone, but it seems to me that it is mainly the canucks and the new zealanders that are guilty of the constant statments about american media and whatnot... thats why i single you out... but everyone is guilty...
-karma police arrest this girl. her hitler haircut is making me feel ill, and we have crashed her party-