to start off i just need to rant a bit about my night. oh and im 15.
so it starts out that im gonna have some people over for the night. kids i know, but apparently not well enough. 3 kids my age. and there were 4 other kids too just hanging out. after people leave and we're settling down i try to make sure everything is alright. now i go to sleep upstairs becaus i have to keep care of my new puppy. i have to take her out at night and stuff. so later that night im hearing alot of noise and i go downstairs to ckeck it out. i find 2 kids high with smoke everywhere. one kid is drunk. im like what the fuck?! apparently some one brought in whiskey. we hook up fans and whatnot to clear everything and i go back up. i come down an hour later, maybe 1 am. drunk kid is worse and other people form earlier seemed to have snuck into my basement. 3 kids, one chick who is just wasted. cant stand or anything. now im really pissed and make thsoe people leave. i go back up once again to take care of my puppy. hour later the drunk kid comes upstairs way worse off than before. he starts throwing up in my bathroom. claims he's is ok and go's back down. oh and mind you my parents are home so im getting mad scared. he comes back up 10 minutes later to vomit some more. eventually my mom comes down cause she can hear him barfing. this kid was throwing up for an hour and a half straight. i had to sit and wait for him to come out with my mom which was awkward. eventually he gets picked up by his mom at 3:30 am. my mom, stays downstairs patrolling although not checking out the other kids cause their sleeping. by the morning all teh smoke was cleared and everything smelled fine. anyways after sleeping for an hour and a half i wake up to my friends being forced out of the house. so now im in deep shit and i basically got fucked. i dont care about the friends that smoked cause it all went away and they didnt get caught. but shit, the other kid really fucked up. quietly got wasted and totally messed himself up. so shit, i just needed to get that off my chest. oh and i do realize probably none of that is comprehendable but whatever. ahhh what a night...