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My summer sucks because...
Posts: 599
Karma: 10
All I do is work
My best friend hates me for no reason
It is hot
It is humid
I cant ski
why does yours suck, if it does?
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
Doesn't suck, because I don't have to work and I get to chill all day.
It does suck because:
I'm still fat
I can't ski
Talladega nights doesnt come out till next week
My birthday isn't till next week
Posts: 6009
Karma: 11
talladega nights and snakes on a plane dont come out yet...i get my wisdom TEEF out in 2 days and my dog sneezed on me
Posts: 2068
Karma: 12
I work my ass off and get payed shit.
I cannot ski.
Its boring as fuck.
i cant drive.
And there is aboslutely nothing that i can do to mkae me feel better because i cant ski, moutnwain bike, kayak, fly fish or golf. Ya fuck
Posts: 6436
Karma: 109
Posts: 1642
Karma: 24
everythings the same for me except the work part.
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
Posts: 7803
Karma: 466
The differences between you and me are that I enjoy working and i'm enjoying my summer to the fullest.
Posts: 4008
Karma: 143
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
I could come up with a large list but it would accomplish nothing.
Posts: 1892
Karma: 16
ahhh. pretty much because my very good friend who became my girlfriend, now exgirlfriend and i dont get along, and i cant stand it.
Posts: 6520
Karma: 20
do you squat when you pee you bitch?
Posts: 1100
Karma: 14
what is snakes on a plane?
Posts: 1211
Karma: 10
-dont have my own car yet
-only a month left of summer
-work too much
-parents dont trust me
Posts: 841
Karma: 53
cant ski...
constantly thinking about skiing...
Posts: 4662
Karma: 15
Posts: 317
Karma: 11
my summer sucks becasue 2 weeks before it started my mom lost her job and is at home 24/7. But holy crap did i have big plans with blazing everyday at home with buddies. Guess not tho. FUCK.
Plus she gets mad at me if i sleep in to late and if i sit around for more than an hour. But thats exactly what i would be doing if she wasnt at home.
Posts: 5449
Karma: 20
mine sucks cuz i have to golf all day then go jump off cliffs into the water which is so gay cuz it slaps ur feet, then i go home and play video games and watch movies and get krunk i hate my life
Posts: 3057
Karma: 185
Posts: 12874
Karma: 3,460
my summer sucks because
my this girl ive been seeing is being a bitch.
and i accedentally talked to her dad on msn thinking it was her saying stuff i shouldnt have.
so what i mean to say is tonight sucks.
Posts: 8609
Karma: 1,613
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
cant ski
friends arent around
no job
two weeks left for my summer, long story..
nothing to do
Posts: 4120
Karma: 41
its even too hot to skate... nutsack...
plus my job is suckin the life out of me
Posts: 6447
Karma: 106
its all good man. jsut wait it out and itll all turn out allright.
Posts: 1302
Karma: 19
ya it does suck cuase u cant ski but u can still party ur ass off and not get cold
Posts: 61860
Karma: 125,699
Why are you complaining about working? You should be happy you have the privilage to make money.
Posts: 1463
Karma: 91
probably going to be the best movie of the year and gonna win a shit load of oscars
Posts: 7485
Karma: 396
haahah everytime I read people saying they can't ski I thought they were saying that their summer was bad cuz they suck at skiing... heh. And my summer is sick cuz yea I'm working, but no more than I do during school and I may not get a ton of dough but I'm gettin somethin! Although I am gettin stressed about orderin my skis through the shop I work at cuz I have to leave for school at the end of august so I need to get them before then, but they aren't available yet! eeeek
Posts: 8198
Karma: 258
actually...my summer is amazing
Posts: 1639
Karma: 43
Damn hes got it the worst.
Posts: 7038
Karma: 639
-i dont work enough. (need money for next year)
-its too hot to skate
-cant fucking ski
-theres not even interesting in ski shops cause its all last years crap.
Posts: 4867
Karma: 350
ya mine sucks too.
-i recently met an amazing girl
-i get some a lot
-i just saved enough and am selling my car to buy a 94 supraTT
-i wakeboard a lot
its gay. i hate this.
Posts: 7540
Karma: 59
mines decent...
- i am making mad cash
- keeping the best shape of my life
- playing lots of soccer
- i havent seen my girlfriend since the 4th of july and wont see her until the 15th....FUCK
Posts: 599
Karma: 10
at least i am playing alot of soccer
Posts: 7935
Karma: 25
i made a lot of money
smoked a lot
am hitting urban
Posts: 3096
Karma: 561
i work a lot
its hotter than shit
wayne has returned
i havent dirt jumped at all
drivers ed is fucking gay and at 8:30 am
Posts: 8558
Karma: 513
ok i think i got this one
my friend killed himself so im going to a bounch of cerimonys and shit like funeral wake ext.
the person closest to me is going away for a week then the day before she gets back i leave for two weeks
i got mad poison ivy on my feet so its mad hard to walk
Posts: 8558
Karma: 513
Posts: 1285
Karma: 10
milk was a baaaaad choice
Posts: 1093
Karma: 12
Posts: 3710
Karma: 23
my summer sucks for a couple more days because...
I had to go to illinois for a month, yes i spelled that wrong.
i have to go back
i cant ski yet :)
i havnt worked out
i havnt gotten much money
my dog got his nuts cut off
i managed to hurt both my feet
i havent finished my "summer setup"
but my summer is good because....
i get to go to windells in a couple days
ill be skiing on tuesday
i also have all of my new get up.
Posts: 3710
Karma: 23
ooo and its good because i got my braces off today
Posts: 9229
Karma: 61
im stuck at a really nice swim place all summer with like 15 freinds geting ipod tomorrow and im not in school. downside not sking, i think its more bad than it is good.
over all it sucks
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