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What illigal substances are you ok with?
Posts: 287
Karma: 10
mine are: alcohol
Posts: 4905
Karma: 32
you can't "be okay" with cigars and shisha (not hooka) and not be alright with cigs. its all tobacco
more but i don'tremember
Posts: 7906
Karma: 33
Booze, weed, shrooms. I kinda draw the line there.
Posts: 287
Karma: 10
well i have done cigs but i quit because they scared away the ladies and tasted bad and the buzz was starting to get smaller and smaller each time and damn lsd is hardcore shit
Posts: 4905
Karma: 32
your missing the point
its all tobacco
Posts: 287
Karma: 10
no b/c i dont like dip anymore either
Posts: 6322
Karma: -10
how is booze and tobaco illegal???
anyway mine are anything and everything. not that I would try many drugs. I have done weed and shrooms.
I would consider:
smoking opium
and thats probably about it. and if they were offered to me right now, I dont know if I would do them or not.
Posts: 4905
Karma: 32
you asked what "illigal" substances are you okay with and you said cigars and hooka (i'm pretty sure you meant shisha, the tobacco smoked out of a hooka)
its all still tobacco
do you understand
its like smoking crack but being against coke
shit doesn't work out
and its illegal fucker
Posts: 8345
Karma: 25
not true cigs are addcting
mine are alchahol
Posts: 4905
Karma: 32
but its still tobacco
and i'm under 18 so its illegal
Posts: 287
Karma: 10
word and who cares stop arguing and im 16 so its illegal to me
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
hookah's aren't illegal.
I'm not a big fan of any illegal substances, but I do have a thing for Heroin.
Posts: 766
Karma: 13
right on.. i bet this is where most people stand, with some not cool with shrooms. but i also think cigars are cool. and to the person who says its all tobacco, i dont inhale the cigars as opposed to inhaling the cigs.
Posts: 2083
Karma: 28
Posts: 4905
Karma: 32
and if you want me to break it down once more
look at it like this
TOBACCO- cigarettes,cigars,dip,chew,whatever else contains tobacco
still fits under that catogory
Posts: 287
Karma: 10
true i just put that one down
Posts: 6322
Karma: -10
no it is not. you have to specify anyway. by ok with, im ok with anyone doing anything, unless it is one of my friends and it is reuining their life. or, do you mean things you yourself would do. because thats different.
and I know plenty of people who will smoke hooka (shisha) but not ciggaretts. because it tastes better, and its not as bad for you (45 min of hooka = 1 cig). and I also know plenty of people who will smoke cigars but not cigs. They are more of a special celibration type thing.
I will smoke all 3, although Im trying to not smoke so many ciggaretts. I tried chew once, threw up the entire contents of my stomache, (no one told me I needed to take the dip out after I started feeling it). I will not do it again for a few reasons. for one, you can get cancer more easily then smoking tobbaco. For 2, girls dont like it. for 3, its gross.
Posts: 157
Karma: 10
beers and blunts are all you need i have no desire to try other stuff
Posts: 4916
Karma: 66
Posts: 1463
Karma: 91
I'm pretty sure all tobacco is addicting including cigars and shisha. Nicotine is what makes it addicting and it comes naturally in all tobacco.
Posts: 601
Karma: 184
man cigarettes are not the same as cigars, cigars may be tobacco but they're for celebration, and you look bad ass, cigs are just dirty. I draw the line at shrooms
Posts: 578
Karma: 1,323
booze since im still under 19
Posts: 8345
Karma: 25
Posts: 12485
Karma: 17
tobacco isn't an illegal substance so i don't know why people keep saying it.
i'm fine with beer (i'm 18 so its illegal), weed and shrooms. i draw the line at shrooms. its about as far as i ever want to go.
Posts: 3204
Karma: 25
interested in trying shrooms
Posts: 909
Karma: 6
ganja/hash,fungus,lsd. Thats all.
Posts: 2553
Karma: 20
Posts: 4905
Karma: 32
so your alright with drinking vodka but your not for drinking rum
its all still alcohol all still has the same effects
and shisha actually contains 18 times more nicotine than regular cigarettes
and i guess tobacco isn't illegal so whatever
Posts: 4005
Karma: 38
Why the fuck even ask this question? All good things are illegal, so the obvious answer is all of them.
Posts: 1051
Karma: 74
As long as you are on private property and not a danger to the public and understand the risks I say do whatever you want. I see it as more of a personal health decision.
I’ve tried more than my fair share of drugs, had fun, watched people die because choices they made, got in trouble and realized most of that crap wasn’t worth it. Now about all I'll do is occasionally smoke a spliff of blueberry while chillin with friends
Posts: 321
Karma: 11
Posts: 4719
Karma: 20
you're what i like to call.......
"Thomas Eissenberg, a psychology professor at Virginia Commonwealth University co-authored a hookah study which found that a session of hookah smoking which lasts about 45 minutes, delivers 36 times more tar, 15 times more carbon monoxide and 70% more nicotine than a single cigarette." (taken from the 420 cult)
go have some more 45 minutes hookah sessions...its actually good for you and prevents cancer because it tastes good...i mean if it tastes good then it couldnt possibly be bad for you...right?...really...it is.
Posts: 399
Karma: 75
Posts: 3552
Karma: 24
(im only 16 so)
shisha (hookah)
i wanna try shrooms but i dont have any access
Posts: 2865
Karma: 2,631
rolling(havnt yet but id like to try it at least once)
and any type of alch.
tabacco isnt illegal so im not gona list it
Posts: 1302
Karma: 19
Posts: 8681
Karma: 54
to the dude who claims you "can't" be ok with shish and not with cigs, you are wrong. it may be the same substance but so what? who says you have to like ever form of a certain substance? i don't buy mushrooms chocoates or blotter acid, but bring on the stems caps and liquid. i have done and enjoyed cocaine in the past but it hink crack is absolutely disgusting and would never ever go anywhere near that shit. i think cigarettes are nasty but i love shisha and smoke my hookah a lot. maybe it's the fact that cigarettes are nasty and trash and represent things that a lot of us do not support.
Posts: 2320
Karma: 186
Posts: 6842
Karma: 408
im pretty sure salvia is legal but i could be wrong
Posts: 6476
Karma: 294
Posts: 6171
Karma: 107
1. alcohol (social, fun, good with responsibility)
2. weed (i would still do it if i didn't become anti-social and lazy, my favorite though)
3. hash (different high, black tar sometimes gives me head aches. bubble hash seems like 'keef' which is just pure thc, really enjoy that on a lazy day of nothing.)
4. coke (very productive drug, not bad if you don't have an addictive personality and don't pay for it)
5. extacy (feels like blowing a shit load of coke, only will do it once a year or so. really fun and completely coherant. very open minded on it.)
6. salvia (my new found drug of choice. short expirience, intense, nothing like anything i've ever tried. legal drug.)
7. mushrooms (plenty of good trips, last one was bad though. my head always hurts afterward, glad i don't do it too often considering the side effects. really feel dumb for the next week.)
8. opium (weird high, i don't know if i enjoyed it really. i felt more sick than anything. tastes really weird and wrecks peices, every other bowl you smoke afterward will be tainted.)
and that's all i've ever expirimented with, we'll see as more drugs come my way.
Posts: 4725
Karma: 126
Keep doing more and write more reports on them.
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Weed and alcohal are the only two I'll do. But I'm alright with other people doing whatever the fuck they want because really it's their choice.
Posts: 5337
Karma: 98
i'm down with and use every illicit drug with the exception of crack and meth. those two seem super trashy, like something a homeless black man would do, or a toothless hillbilly. everything else is fun. ecstacy is dope for parties and dancing, so is blow. lsd and shrooms are fun for chilling out with your friends and reflecting on life, as lame and cliche as that sounds. pot is pretty much off the charts for everything... especially for a little nightcap to help you sleep. heroin is, well, it's heroin. pretty serious. shouldn't be fucked with unless you really know what you're doing or are with someone you absolutely trust, it's easy to die with that shit. i'm not going to say anyhting about tobacco and alcohol because those are relatively benign substances that i don't consider illicit in any way, shape or form.
Posts: 566
Karma: 10
guess what... alcohol isn't an illegal substance either. it's just illegal for you, and anyone else underage, to consume/purchase it.
as far as illegal substances go i don't do anything.
as far as tobacco goes i will have a cigar or smoke hookah every now and then, but cigs and dip is gross. I've never heard a girl that doesn't smoke say, "damn, look at that guy smoking/dipping, that's so hot."
Posts: 9322
Karma: 76
1.Alcohol (underage)
2. Marijuana
7. Salvia
8.Heroine (best damn high of em all)
9. Cocaine
10. Crack
11. Hookers (Only the deseased ones)
12. Second hand anything
13. Peyote
14. Sophisticated Business men
16. Cough Syrup
17. Caffeine pills
18. Catnip
19. Minorities
20. Jesus Christ
Thats the top 20 illegal highs I can think of.
By the way I'm not really myself right now for number 2 has helped me.
Posts: 3401
Karma: 14
i smoke crack because i like the flavor, and for the elegant life style
Posts: 1052
Karma: 171
its a mark of sophisication and should be treated with the utmost respekt nigga.
Posts: 1343
Karma: 11
fake ass bitch
you gotta be smokin that shit every 15 minutes mang
fucking faggott
fake beyotch
bitch nigga
fakke ass liii
lil dick liiii
you be sweeatin liiii
gay liii
Posts: 1052
Karma: 171
bud i was playin. crack is fo poor muthafuckas who cant aford cocane
Posts: 1343
Karma: 11
up i suppose, or you can be a G and make your own bar, or get like 3 QP's and feel on top of the world
or make your pants smoke alot of weed and wait for a floood cus they'll be high and your cuffs will be bone dry?
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