fuck nike.
go look at the nke 6.0 page. it's a bunch of bullshit trying to appeal to "extreme athletes" that talks shit on all of the other sports nike is all about. wtf? make up your minds. shit like this makes me really hate corporate america.
i'm pissed that most of my "regular" sports clothing is nike now, but I suppose this doesn't make their clothes suck, it just shows you what a bunch of 2 faced ass bags run corporate america.
there's like flash animations making fun of football players putting their helmets on, guys lifting weights in homo positions, and baseball players scratching their ass.
PLEASE nike, run that shit during a fucking bosox game, or the 1 o'clock game come football season, then see how your core consumer audience feels about it.
why does embracing action sports mean nike has to run anti "normal" sports ads to the new audience? skateboarding, bmx, snowboarding, skiing, etc don't have to have beef with football, soccer, baseball, etc.