She was in the hospital in and out since 2 new years ago because she had emphazema (sp), and she passed today. It was nice because she died with her husband and 3 kids with her. She had a heart attack 2 days ago and has been on life support ever since, and the doctors said that she wouldn't recover, so they took her off life support and she passed about 1 hour later.
It's just really sad because the last time I saw her was in May, and a couple days ago my mom was talking about going to see her soon, so I never got to say goodbye. But my mom came home about 1 hour ago and I just sat with her and cried and talked for like 20 minutes.
This is just really hard for me because I am 15 years old and this is the first time someone close to me has ever passed, and it's really hard to live with the fact that I can never say goodbye or see her again.