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So, i jokingly made a deal with my gf
Posts: 400
Karma: 10
So in the middle of a conversation about things we want to do before we die, she throws out brazilian wax. I'm just kidding around, and say that if she gets one, I'll get one.
The very next day, she goes out and gets one.
I think I'm in trouble.
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Karma: 16
Posts: 6301
Karma: 349
hahahah. this is too funny. but yes. dont shave it, trim stuff. itll rip less and be less painful. and dont be a pussy. you made the bet. sack up (maybe literally? lol)
besides, once its over, you guys should be bumpin butter-smooth uglies like crazy. so its not really a bad situation.
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Karma: 83
a young woman (21) once told a friend of mine that if he shaved/waxed his balls, then his GF would def suck them, and and old woman sitting near agreed with an anecdote about reciprication.
Posts: 1779
Karma: 351
jus suck up and do it, she did her half, now u do urs
Posts: 3909
Karma: 223
I just saw an ad for laser hair removal. I wonder what hurts less. Waxing or burning it off with a laserlaser.
Posts: 3204
Karma: 25
Well you made the deal, and joke or not, your gf owned you. Personally if you enjoy the relationship youre in now then get it for kicks, even if she pulls the whole, you didnt actually need to get one! deal then she'll still find it hilarious, and sexy at the same time. So just go balls to the wall and be a man about it
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Karma: 285
yikes. I'm not even brave enough for that madness...
Posts: 914
Karma: 13
Ouch, I can almost feel the pain.
But yeah you have to get it done.
Posts: 12967
Karma: 3,451
^^ yeah dont be a pussy about it. 1) you made a promise...since she got it done you now have to. trust me, she'll appreciate it more than you think. 2) they dont actually put it on your dick so dont worry about it. 3) do not shave before you go bc your skin will already be irritated and the wax will not help. it's uncomfortable but it really doesnt hurt that bad and like i said before your girlfriend will love you very very much after you do it. good luck......oh and maybe take a shot or 9 before you go...that may help you out.
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Karma: 19
if i somehow got suckered into doing that i would bring a 26 of tequila with me
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Karma: 53
Get loaded and/or take four Vicodin beforehand and you'll be set. She will appreciate it a lot, but whether that's worth it... yikes. Sucks to be you, man.
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Karma: 297
when she licks/sucks on your balls it will all be worth it. trust me.
Posts: 12967
Karma: 3,451
^^ the ladies do like it. i made my bf do it too and he likes it and so do i.
Posts: 2468
Karma: 25
nobady seems to metion how bad it sucks when your hair starts growing back, shit i shaved for my wife...... once and never again. when it grows back its all itchy and pricklely and sucks, not to metion the ingrown hairs. that is worse than the actuall few seconds of pain from the actuall procedure. but yeah you just need to man up and take advantage of her.
Posts: 3482
Karma: 9
haha well i guess you gotta follow through with it now :]
goodluck with that one.
Posts: 2517
Karma: 297
if you do it more than once it doesn't suck that bad... and i must say having your sac in her mouth is 100% worth it.
Posts: 2063
Karma: 13
everyone seems to be missing the bigger point...with a TRUE brazalian wax, they wax all the hair off around your browneye. That's gotta hurt way more than I care to imagine!
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Karma: 126
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Karma: 11
no shit Einstein...that's the point of avoiding it
Posts: 12019
Karma: 126
you made a promise and itll be worth it, but you better go shitfaced
Posts: 2408
Karma: 9
might as well get your ass and back done at the same time
Posts: 834
Karma: 5
you puss, its not THAT bad... waxing is just like a shot... its quick and over before you know it
Posts: 2672
Karma: 18
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Karma: 14
fucking ouch, removing hairs from my balls and gouche with tweezers...holy shit no thanks
Posts: 7701
Karma: 535
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Karma: 11
well look on the good side i guess. neither you or your girl will have excessive hair.
Posts: 10014
Karma: 8,386
true. then that shit will just wax off your skin.
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
Or just don't do it. Whats she gonna do? Dump you for not getting a brazilian wax? That would be lame as hell.
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