Never thought I would post this...but to get certain other things in my life moving certain sacrifices may need to be made.
These are some of the best skis I've ever been on.
185 Kingswood Midfat. Regular Flex. Topsheet is a proto one that is currently unavailable to the public. These have bamboo sidewalls instead of ABS to save weight.
Mounted Twice, but both times are for Naxos so the mounting pattern is extremely wide. There shouldn't be any problem fitting at least 2 normal alpine binding mounts in.
Flex wise - a tad softer than gotamas, but the bamboo core is super snappy and awesome. these skis are not floppy at all.
Condition- fucking perfect. These were just given a full tune. The bases are immaculate. Topsheet too.
They are basically brand new. Skied maybe 7 days now.
Price....cheapest these can be had is about $600 including shipping and tariff whatnot. I dont know what they are worth to people.
At a point they are worth more to me to keep then sell, but offers will be considered.
Shipping will be $30. PM or email if your are interested and want to make an offer.