* From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amputechture
Amputechture will be released on vinyl in September of 2006. The album features almost a dozen players, including Red Hot Chili Peppers guitarist John Frusciante who is featured as guest guitarist on every track of Amputechture.
* 1. Vicarious Atonement is the theory that the atonement of Jesus Christ was legal in God's eyes. Jesus died in the place of the humans that sinned.
* 2. Tetragrammaton is a reference to the Hebrew name for God.
* 3. Vermicide is any substance used to kill worms, espically those in the intestines, or the act of killing worms.
* 4. Meccamputechture - Mecca is the holiest city in the Islamic faith. (Ampu) from the word amputate (techture) from architecture. The dismantling of Mecca, related to terrorism attempted destruction of Islam.
* 5. Asilos Magdalena - 'Mary's Asylum' in Spanish, most likely a reference to Magdalen Asylums.
* 6. Viscera Eyes - Viscera means internal organs, namely intestines.
* 7. Day Of The Baphomets - A Baphomet is an object used for idolising, also confused with popular representations of Satan.
* 8. El Ciervo Vulnerado - 'The Wounded Deer' in Spanish.