I just watched an old interview with Ted Koppel and the president of the church of Scientology, David Miscaviage and was frightened by what i saw. Miscaviage was psychotic and paranoid, blaming 'the field of psychiatry' for all the worlds troubles. He went so far as to say that reporters and psychologists were united in actions of attempted kidnapping and murder. Moreover his defense of Scientology was disjointed and borderline incoherent, he talked a lot but didn't say anything.
The most frightening thing was that his tone and conversational tactics held the exact same unfounded arrogence as those spoken by the one and only Tom Cruise. These people are delusional, dangerous, and far to influential. How can we stop these organized crazys from gaining to much money and to much power that they are beyond control?
This is the interview I watched. It is an entire Dateline plus about 20 minutes, the interview was so compelling they let it run over. If any of you have time please watch it and tell me what you think. These people really concern me. They are hiding behind the rights of a free society to do diabolical things.