In the Movies, Rogue is the worst Character, she can't fly, she's not hot, I mean her titties suck. She doesn't say "Shoogah" like in the old cartoon/comic book. And she wines too much. In the comic book/tv cartoon, she was my first boner.
In the Comic Book, I hated Jubilee, fuck Jubilee was lame, she loved arcades and shot wierd lazer beams and streamers. Her hair was ugly and up curly, it was so nappy. Warf, or is it Morf? I cant remember. He was Wolverines friend but he got killed. But he was pure shit too.
In the Show/comic book, Beast was also rad, a smart fucking blue thing. I also hated Cyclops too, and when him and Jean Gray were gonnu get married, I was so glad because Apocolyps breifly stopped them, I was stoked, but it was false, they still wed.
The coolest fucking bad guys ever were the Sentinels, pure awsome. I haven't seen the new Xmen, but do they have the sentinels in the movie? They were beyond all cool.
Forgive this, it's late, Im bored, Im kind of afraid because it's thunderstorming out.
I also watched Spiderman: 2, today, and starting thinking back to the old TV show (not the 60's version) but the one where it had all the cool bad guys, and it was way newer. I was so jealous of Spidey because he got MJ and that blonde chick too. How could he possibly juggle both those bombshells when I can't even juggle one? That was the one with Venom, and the other Venom-like guy, but he was red. It was way cool.
I liked all the old super hero shows.. Maybe they weren't super old, Im guessing maybe around '94-'97, but all the super hero shows during that time were beyond rad. Even Batman, I could never watch it all the time because of grade school, but it was really good too. My only bad thing about Batman and Superman cartoons were that the strong characters would have square chins, whereas the weak characters had round chins? What does that say about North American Cartoon watching children, huh? If a kid has a round chin then he is weak? If his chin is square then he's strong? yeaahh Right! If a kid has a round chin, he is normal, if he has a square chin, he's a freak!
Bear with me for a bit, but when you think of how many super hero shows there were out at around that time. Batman, Superman, Spiderman, X-men. There was even a show that had all the super hero's in it (DC characters specifically) but yeah, it was mental. And think about how much better they all were than the movies! They impacted me so much more than any of the new movies (excluding Batman Begins) but isn't that something.
It's so incredible that this topic prompted me to write all this pure shit, it's also incredible that I was thinking exactly about all this old super hero smut earlier today. It's marvelous.
And now since you're all mad, and Im clearly too tired to type-on, the storms getting calm, and I am no longer very bored because I got out all this super hero junk I've been welling up inside my brain all day, I can finally turn in.
Wish you will on your journey, hope your dreams come alive...
^Now I quote Xavier Rudd^