It seems "Lolo" means milk in french. Here's a rough translation from Babelfish. Then Milk, this season? Milk: Ben this season: perfect, I do not have anything to ask moreover... All the compèt' where I was, I found myself each time in signal 10. In Zurich at the beginning of season, I gain in front of everyone, in London I gain Big Air with a distorsion with the clavicle. After I could not wrinkle autumn because of that, I arrive at Tignes Airwaves, I had not entrainé myself, they was really my first days of wrinkle, and there I make 2nd with the slope and 3rd with the Pipe, whereas this season I did not want to make Pipe too much, I wanted to stop... My objective it was the slope of Xgames. Then I arrive at US Open, similar one made the big air, and as of hab there low it is "spin to win", if you want to gain is necessary to turn. Then me I make my cab 7 (videos), and that paid since I finished first of the qualifs. Unfortunately I posed a little low, I was done badly with the back thus I calmed the play. After did that I leave shooter with Pléhouse in Breckenridge, and it is there that I saw that I was invited to the Pipe of X I said "It is what this is delirious, from where they qualify me in Pipe with X?" I wrinkled two days the Pipe of Breck, and I arrived slackened at X-Games.
Babel Fish-käännös Ohje
In English:
One began the slope, I did not feel super, that did not pass, and then finally there were the problems weather and they put a big air at the place. There still one was sure that it was necessary to make cab 1000 to gain, then me I made like hab, I made a cab 7. And then I wrinkled the pipe of X, I smelled myself too well inside. I make 3 with the qualifs, there I hallucinate completely. I had learned a trick the day before, the switch Cork 9, I had never turned that. And that passed, I were finally of X in Pipe, I did not expect it at all. With the last run, considering that I was 3rd, I knew that there remained nothing any more but Simon and Tanner to be passed. I left, I made my run, I plated and while arriving in bottom I saw that I passed 2nd, I fell into the arms from my parents, I cried. My parents they had made displacement considering it was my fourth participation. Is came to seek the medal with me, that did me too much pleasure. Here, after that I set out again shooter with Pléhouse in Utah, in Park City. Return in France, and I set out again in Park City for World Superpipe. It was one of the largest pipe in the world, it made 7 meters in height, the trick had you fear. And there, with training, Ben clac, knee. You did what then with this knee? Milk: Eh well makes some in World Superpipe Championships I made about same the run as with X, except that at the end I did not make the switch 9 but just a switch Cork 5 transfers, almost in nose, as I make in big air. And thus at trainings I put myself a large copping into 7.2. But large. Violent one. I fell 7 meters the head the first, everyone believed that I had died. But really, finished. I was raised, and while trying to go down I posed the knee by ground, I moved it on dimensioned and there I have the knee which left, I knew that I had more ligaments. But good, now I relativize, I passed to other thing, I say myself that they is the rules of the game, that arrives, it is necessary to make with. I happy, but am nevertheless dégouté a little, because I had still full with things to make this season, the Ingenuous one, the trick with Laax, Jon, World Skiing in Whistler, and then the vidéos that I still owed shooter. And you have what exactly? Milk: I have side intern and crossed, side intern stage 2 even 3, therefore very bad condition. The surgeon decided to thus plaster to me for one month I make one month of plaster, one month of réeduc, the operation and after I leave direct in Capbreton. I reskie in November, and I will be able to remake compètes in January-February, therefore they is cool. It just makes shit this plaster because I cannot walk as it is necessary. And also I must be made punctures in the belly tous.les.jours, I adore... It is to avoid the phlebitis, and blood tests per week moreover. You were often wounded? Milk: Ben I had ankle who lasted a long time, I had the shoulder. But I ever had of large wound, that will be my first operation of my life... I think that everyone passed there, and then I have two examples: Deneriaz last year it is made a knee it returns it is Olympic champion, Loic (Collomb-Patton) two years ago it is made a knee, he returns he makes vice champion of the world, this year he makes 2nd with US Open, 4 in X-Games. I spoke much with him, it went up me well the moral one. You suffered? Milk: On the blow I did not have badly a whole. I had to put small a como but I did not feel it, not headache or what. Loic it was afraid because it spoke to me and me I did not answer. I knew that it spoke to me but I did not want to answer because I was seeing with my body if all were well, if I moved my feet, if I moved all, and it also was afraid because I rapé myself the mouth and that there was blood everywhere... Concerning the vidéos, you are where then for this season? Milk: Ben I shooté with Pléhouse all the winter, therefore I should have a segment, not a complete segment but that should go, there will be rail, much of park and a little backcountry. The film will be called "Skimatic", a trick like that (teaser dispo here). Rookies to be followed for the next season? Milk: Then the young people y' has three of them who tear all, it is Alexis Godbout, Tosh Peters and Jossie Wells. Tosh Peters, in Bear Mountain Open it gained the slope in front of TJ Schiller, and it is 15 years old... It is small from Ninthward. Jossy when I was in Park City, there was a gap rail, it made of Cork the 6.30 fingers in the nose, it also made the pipe with us and he had a whore of run. First hit in the pipe Cork 5 nose with 3-4 meters in height, follow-up of a unnatural sense of smell, Cork 9, unnatural 5, air to fakie, switch alley oop 5. You see that you say yourself "I will break the teeth with him to him". And then it is really a good kid. There was as his little brother, equipped with the Oakley clothes with large, the other it is ten years old, would have said to you as it did not have legs. And then it dismounted the rails, of the 3.6 enormous ones on the tables, it is good, the changing is there. In France one is far, hein. However in there is level, there is 3-4 of them which can go to US making compet', but as long as there will not be the parks... Me of one week with Breck I progressed more than all the remainder of the season to France. The tables it was perfect, the rails, all. It was so perfect, I sent of Cork 180. Ca nobody believes that it is possible but they will see it on next Pléhouse. , you are excited there low for you wrinkles with the cool one, but test you tricks, it is so perfect which you smell yourself well. And Clusaz? With 3 riders international now? Milk: Ben ouais but good, Clusaz, Clusaz... I will say you, in Park City, the budget season of winter they are 3 million dollars for the park. As that it is easy, have you two rammers which are permanently with with dimensions pipe. One was to make a shot of night in the pipe, they arrived and they said to us "Wait, before shooter one goes refraiser the pipe", they passed the rammer for us and all. It is another world. You see in Park City they have 4 parks: a beginner, a rail park for beginner-beginners, a park which makes semi-pro but everyone goes inside because it is too well, and after you have the park pro with whore of enormous tables. And the difference as with France it is as with US do not have you the pélos which come to make shit in the snowpark, people they respect, they go in the tricks on their level. Us in Clusaz, there is chance: one has full with spots in backcountry where do not have you need to go, it east can be that our advantage. But after in rail one is so much with road metal. Those which is good in rails it is Candide, Loic, Laurent Thevenet, Aurel Fornier, all this clicks there, but here the rails they are made with kicks tourists. Whereas with US have you truths kicks to type the ollie, it is that which it is necessary. And Quebecers, while speaking about rails? Milk: Ben there is delirious it they are that the Quebecers they do not have a slope, then they make that rail. It is for that that guys like Charles (Gagnier), Jean-François (Swell), etc they is all of the butchers. I speak to you about guy like François Raymond, it is a skier not too known who is in Rossignol, I saw a video of two years ago, on a rail in a park where a ollie should be typed, it makes you the four 2.7: 2.7 in exit 2 out, unnatural 2 in/2 out, switch 2 in/2 out and switch unnatural 2 in/2 out. Two years ago behind... And this year, JF, before coming to France, it almost returned a lipslide 2 in on a descent-dish-descent downtown. It left 30cm before the end the rail... The guy they make that that, me I arrived there low, I made a session with Charles it dismounted the two rails which one made, after I left with Francois, the rail where I was done ankle him it passed it. In any event all the rails which one made it them had of the first blow, whereas me I planed myself on the steps... Return in France? Milk: Yes, still a trick with French, a trick which is hard: it is to manage to bore with the US one. Loic it did it this year. In Park City it was made fly, it should have been on the podium but it was not known enough. Me I made known myself with my Cab 7, the famous the US cab 7 Open ones where I arrived all in bottom of the récep'. It is for that that this year I have remakes cab 7 and 0 spin. Me I have chance, I am known to have a massive style over there. Moreover that pleases to me, more and more riders go in this direction there. Hold the style, interesting that... Milk: Ben me what plait to me is that, it is to put style. Maintaining everyone starts to make double Cork, tricks like that. I trashe not the roller, I find that enormous what they do, but that would make me shit that the ski takes this direction. I saw tricks as the double switch back - moreover it is old that and lately Mike Wilson, with the open VT, which was dismounted but which made a kind of Cork 5 to misty 7 on the quarter, good it did not plate but in short, for saying that these guys they are in their trip, even if I am not fan. It is necessary some which does that, as in the snowboard, have you Travis Rice and David Benedek in this same kind. Concurrently to that, the guy they is butchers, they do all the possible tricks. When Benedek made its double Cork 1000, it had done all the tricks that there was to make on Pyramid Gap, and it was said, "hold, I will do that" and he plated it... But more and more you see 2 tendencies in the ski: have you those which push the style à.fond, and have you those which want to gain compètes, to turn. In those which push the style, y' has Tanner Rainville, Stephan Thomas, Pep, Pep it does not have nothing there to say, for me it is the guy more stylé. After you have Andy Marhe, that which made the 0 spin on Pyramid, and then Chris Benchetler. Moreover it is of the guy, in their segments you do not see them making more than of Cork 7. And me I form part of those which do not like too much to turn. Front, y' is three years old for example, I said "I want to gain I will do one 1000". Because the switch 1000 that will make five years that I have it. One asked me to remake some I made some. In Tignes Aiwaves I have some remakes one because it was said to me that I was not able to do it, then I sent a switch Cork 1000 on the step up. It is not the trick which I kiffer will make, that will turn then here. Moreover in the pipe I made a switch 9 but just because that turned well. For the 2nd run, one was motivated with Andréas (Hatveit), one looked at oneself, one said "one tests the switch 1000?", and then I very posed, I typed the right buttock by ground, but it was funny, it was for is delirious... A small word on Ingenuous finishing, since it is its event this WE? Milk: Ingenuous me it is a guy whom I respect too much, it is a guy who was there at the beginning, and it is always there. But I think that its problem it is that he wants to prove that he is strong, whereas everyone knows it that it is a killer, that it is a butcher. After in compète I believe that it puts too the pressure because of that, because it believes that people think that it is not there any more, whereas good, Candide it is Candide, it is the guy... Frankly with X, if it does not put the pressure, it gains the pipe, it is sure and certain that, sure and certain. And then Candide it is a name of the ski which will remain for always in the legend of freestyle. It was there at the beginning when there was Canadian Air Force of JP and JF, it was there when there was Julien Régnier, and it is always there. Ingenuous it is Candide. Thank you Milk! Milk: No the problem...