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100 most stupid cities in the US
Posts: 44
Karma: 10
Posts: 2088
Karma: 17
i think boulder should be on that list.
Posts: 10742
Karma: 7,818
hahahaha that's really funny. Sort of. Actually, it's kinda sad. But on the bright side, I live in the smartest city in the US.
Posts: 44
Karma: 10
Posts: 6005
Karma: 2,203
i am not trying to be racist or anyhting but the majority of those stupid cities are in places with alot of mexican people.
Posts: 1880
Karma: 368
hahaha # 70 is like 1 1/2 away from were i live and it has a maximum gaurded prision there
Posts: 1411
Karma: 28
wow, more proof that Hispanics are making the US retarted
Posts: 265
Karma: 10
haha, Aspen is a Top 100 High-Educated but Low-Earning Cities (pop. 5000+)
Posts: 7803
Karma: 466
hahhahaha the lower 48 are retarded
Posts: 8554
Karma: 183
Posts: 12874
Karma: 3,460
proof that smart people are ski bums!
Posts: 2067
Karma: 14
uhhh i would say brunswick georgia, its all
racist white trash and poor people.
Posts: 11349
Karma: 2,333
i say we just blow up texas and california then we wont have to worry about it anymore
Posts: 566
Karma: 10
seriously...over half of the cities on that list are in california
Posts: 971
Karma: 42
How can they say that about Castroville, CA? Its only the artichoke capital of the WORLD. (a.k.a. worst city EVER)
We used to play alot of these California towns when I was in high school. King City, Soledad, South San Jose Hills, Castroville, Lynwood... weird. They were all so bad at water polo.
Posts: 9297
Karma: 1,495
Cicero, Illinois (6.1% bachelor+, 48.2% high school+)
i know people from there!
Posts: 287
Karma: 10
You know what's funny? Publishers make text books to the level of either California, Texas or Florida. So that the school systems will be more inclined to buy them.
And they rate the reading level by the average number of syllables in each word. So the the fewer number of syllables, the lower the reading level.
Kinda sad how everyone else in the country are getting textbooks tailored to the levels of the least educated states.
Remind you of No Child Left Behind??
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,061
haha, the southern states are filled with idiots. doesn't surprise me, because everyone i know that's from those areas just hang out at beaches 24/7 and don't realize that there's a world outside the the U.S.
Posts: 4729
Karma: 130
which is why we should blow up Texas and western Cali. Rename Eastern Cali and make it the 49th state and then make Puerto Rico the 50th state, beside texans think they are their own country anyway
(by the way Fuck France, Henry took a dive)
Posts: 1772
Karma: 11
holy shit, all those cities are in Texas, California and New Mexico, with a little bit of florida in there too
Posts: 28699
Karma: -5,563
Haha, somehow that list doesn't suprise me one bit.
Posts: 6322
Karma: -10
Florida, California, Texas
no suprise there!
Posts: 10035
Karma: 8,128
i bet if you went to "Mecca, California (1.6% bachelor+, 17.7% high school+)" and told them that the earth is round people would attempt to kill you for making a false statement
Posts: 1983
Karma: 12
54% of that list is from California
Posts: 21048
Karma: 5,061
and tragically, the leader of your nation hails from one of those pathetically stupid states..
Posts: 10742
Karma: 7,818
yep. i'm actually outside seattle, but i figure it counts.
Posts: 1288
Karma: 90
you say that but if you take all the mexicans away, there goes our workforce
Posts: 1983
Karma: 12
1. Can we not make this a immigration argument
2. We have the same quote in our sig. AWESOME!
Posts: 6171
Karma: 107
well education has een proven to be most effective on the east. and the worst education resides in the south and west, primarly due to the rush of immigrants into the school systems. and because the immigrants don't know english they make the stats drop. i wonder what the precentage of mexicans in those cities is, i would guess it's high. chances are they are very poor towns.
that shit is sad. what if you were born into a setting like that?
Posts: 1052
Karma: 171
that list has no meanin. those cities in Cali are small and they nearly 100% of mexican people. tha mexican people be imagrants and dey dont finish high school cause dey gotta work for tha family and because dey cant speak english.
Posts: 4348
Karma: 83
you mark you live in Enumclaw, which is not even close to seattle. and enumclaw is def full of a bunch of morons
Posts: 287
Karma: 10
Posts: 6304
Karma: 6,595
fuck you. your just bitter because brazil lost. no dive.
yeah i live in seattle. smart people with coffee.
Posts: 9632
Karma: 580
hahhahaha silly "black people"
Compton, California (5.9% bachelor+, 48.0% high school+)
Posts: 4571
Karma: 23
you might be smart but you cant play football.
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
You know what's even funnier, those 3 states are the main immigration destinations. Texas for Mexico. Florida for Cubans and Carribeans. California for Mexico, China, and other Asian countries.
Posts: 281
Karma: 104
california seem very dumb lol theres calif almost everywere in there
Posts: 1371
Karma: 30
most stupid?....do u live in one of those cities
Posts: 44
Karma: 10
Hey Lil'G, go to the list of the most crime ridden cities in the US, OH NO, look who it is.
Posts: 10448
Karma: 10,021
Even those many will agree with this statement....Boulder is one of the most educated cities in the country. The percentage of people there with bachelors degrees is nuts.
Posts: 830
Karma: 12
california and texas as the states with the most cities listed, florida made a few appearance there too- know why? they're dumb rupublican governors.
Posts: 3227
Karma: 46
Posts: 3204
Karma: 25
Somehow i find that rich coming from you
Posts: 3735
Karma: 15
Haha alot of texas/californias on there..
Posts: 2954
Karma: 13
apparently i live in the city with the 71st highest median house values. My house is worth 200 grand less than the median for the town, we're really dragging lincoln down.
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
Wouldn't it be "100 stupidest cities in the US"... which one are you from?
Posts: 44
Karma: 10
Towns in New York could be that dumb if they were dominated by Mexicans like those other cities.
Posts: 1535
Karma: 11
but you cant speak english either
Posts: 1155
Karma: 7
Posts: 0
Karma: 13
hahaahahha wow the dirty south isnt called dirty for no reason
Posts: 3520
Karma: 13
Like a few people have said, these are parts of the country with a lot of immigrants. I live in Arizona and the highschool I went to was 45% non-English speaking. It was even well known for having a great ESL program. However most of those dipshits just wanted to be in gangs and waste tax payer's money so it made the school look shitty academically. I don't know any of my friends who didn't go on to college and succeed in life.
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