They do alot of back - engineering= taking UFO's+ other alien stuff and engineering it backwards , reverse order, so they can figure out how to build it themselves .Anti-gravity research.
Also they do tons of cloning research + experiments.You know that when they're doing their cloning experiments, that shit is complicated and technical n,stuff so you know they're constantly fucking up these experiments and making mistakes with the genetics n'shit,so every time they fuck up,{which is basiclly every time} the result is some kind of mutant,humonoid,psyco,monster, from your most horrid nightmares,and they're all locked up in massive underground holding chambers. If you were ever to somehow get locked in one of these chambers,ooooohhh my f**king god , it would be scary shit,it would be like going strait to hell,I would die from PURE,but seriously, some of the the results from these experiments are so MUTATED,n shit, that they look like giant lumps of 'seething proto-plasm-type-flesh with different deformed body parts sticking out twitching and heaving around almost as if under demonic control'...........but the worst is an area that is 'STRICTLY OFF LIMITS' and thats where they keep 'giant vats of mutated body parts ' and there all locked up because they move around like they've got demonic minds of they're own . Freaky.