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Clothing Styles (warning)
Posts: 6204
Karma: 51
so, baggy has been the norm for quite a while now, but some people (jon hartman) are changing that and letting in new ideas. now im not against all you kids that rock the tights, i just think it looks gay and doesnt work for me. lately some companies like oakley have started going in the direction of bright colors like on their puffy 3.5 antifreeze pant; they also are one of those responsible for this matching suit thing too.
so i know this is a long question but, what do you wear just the pants and jacket.
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Karma: 51
dunno why i put warning, i guess just to atract haters.
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I wear one of those jackets when Convert and Columbia teamed up. But I took the Convert patches off so no one can tell the diffrence. And some REALLY baggy pants that I bought at Burlington for really cheap. Im getting the Siver Hull's though
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haha pinto rules!!!
o i forgot. i wera an airwalk jacket thas black on da shoulders and white on the chest. i have some e408 pants and im looking into them oakley puffy 3.5 whites
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soon to be orage operation suit
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I personaly like the baggy as fuck look. BUT if you wana wear tight are anything else go for it.. its good to see a variety of styles.
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im 5'6 i wear a medium sessions jacket(baggy ish)
and bonfire pants large(realy baggy) the jacket is blue the pants are tan
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why do you care if it says convert or columbia on it? noob.. who gives a shit, if its a nice jacket wear it. i have a columbia / convert puff jacket and its sweet. yes i said it SWEET
Posts: 1371
Karma: 19
yea dude baggy over tight...fuckin emos
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for skiing, i think that baggy compliments peoples styles more than tight, and it looks better. for the few that can actually pull off tight clothes and make it look good, props!
Posts: 2428
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tight looks too much like the skater look. i think we should just keep it chiil with the bagginess
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My suit is quite matchy and baggy.
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um... there's much more to clothing "style" than baggy or tight... many many more factors...
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i would call what i wear "loose" I guess. My jacket is a Bonfire, and not too big for me, just baggy fitting. Same with pants. i dont need a belt, but they're not tight either.
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I wear a size S siver tactical
and an REI jacket
I have no style whatesover but it works for me...I can grow and it doesn't drag in the snow when I walk. I go more for functionality than fashion.
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i think its dumb when bottom and top match, and i like half baggy stuff, like halfway between baggy and tight
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Fuck yeah dude I'm reppin the Columbia/Convert jacket steeze as well. Mine is like 3 years old and its grey in the front and white in the back. My pants are even worse, like 4 years old, some tan Burton size M (I'm 5'11") beats. They have duct tape on the back pockets because they have holes, and when I put them on they don't even reach the foot part of my boot. I think I'm getting the Hull or Orage Carnaby/Noho, or saving some money and just getting the Siver Raven/Tactical.
Posts: 393
Karma: 20
yeah roden you need new pants. although the duct taped ass is very steezy with whatever you had drawn on them.
i'm reppin the Quicksilver Long Duk Dong jacket (the one candide used to wear for the n00bs)and some matching tan XXL pants (i forget what company its some small-time unheard of company that makes cheap stuff i got them for 50 bucks at my shop and they are super warm and very durable)
and soon to be a concrete Oakley Puffy 3.5 jacket
Posts: 2658
Karma: 20
this girl who i don't know has the right idea!
baggy and tight are just two factors. then you got your colours, patterns, pockets combo things, then you got your goggles, helmet/tuque and the list goes on...
and some kids in the thread are gonna bash this by saying " cool clothes are for rich kids blah blah" but that's not true, it's for kids who just might like doing that and work hard for it. some kids might be rich but oh well. that was my 2 cents, im just sick of people saying the rich kid comments because i wear nice stuff and im by no means at ALL rich or even close to.
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Karma: 357
for sure. plus, theres always the option of drawing/painting on shit to make it even more your own. all my shit has paintings all over it
Posts: 393
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word to that! i bust my ass at 2 jobs during the summer to pay for all my nice shit!
Posts: 31
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I agree with fireunderwater...but last winter i rocked speacial blend and four square XL denim...it was pretty sick...i think Baggy has soo much more style then tight
Posts: 361
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style is style is style... who cares people will always hate!!! get ova it!
Posts: 1233
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i have an XL Ronin set-up All bright red soo sick...im only 5'8" and 155 and in this suit i look damn steezy almost fat but its sooo sick
Posts: 430
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Aren't you just the fashion diva.
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Karma: 51
word. and i agree with fireunderwater, this was nop baggy versus tight thread anyways. i also talked about colors and matching your suit up too so...
Posts: 3608
Karma: 90
yea thers many more creative directions you can take clothing than jusgt color and size, wich has been said, some might even suggest wearing clothes that fit your own personal style of skiing!
Posts: 143
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girls in baggy gear sends off the "dike" vibe...but its the most comfortable. Rock the ass crack like no other
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no, the chicks sporting camo and puke brown outfits are the dikey ones...
Posts: 143
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I rock that...All nasty like
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my friends all about the lime green full body suite from oakley
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or w/e else Jon is wearing this week.
Posts: 1109
Karma: 205
I wear tight pants and what every jacket/sweater/sweatshirt is appropiate. I don't like the direction skiing is going right now. Most everyone is going for some double XLs and most kids look way sick but actually suck. I would focus more on what some kids are doing instead of what they're wearing.
and just because Jon Hartman is the only kid you've seen advertised on NS doesn't mean he's the kid who's started it. Snowboarders have been rocking tight (and regular..) pants for ages. Us skiers are, as normal are just a step or two behind.
Posts: 414
Karma: 10
I wear snowboard pants and jacket and its baggy as shit...thats how i roll
Posts: 91
Karma: 10
Yeah I wear baggy stuff because it feels better, not really for the style factor. I have bonfire larges and a large quicksilver jacket just because how they feel.
But I do agree I just dont think tight looks right on skiers. If you are going to go tight pants or whatever at least cover your boots for some reason that really bothers me when people dont cover their boots.
Posts: 13809
Karma: 92
grats [wh@], you've made the millionth thread about ski fashion!
Posts: 6204
Karma: 51
eh brah fuck you. this is something on my mind and i felt like asking so fuck off.
Posts: 1109
Karma: 205
Posts: 252
Karma: 18
i started a thread about ski pants being too baggy when i first got on this site and everyone made fun of me. now it seems like people are starting to agree with me about the sleek fit of a nice racing pant. when i started wearing medium pants they just seemed too baggy and i know i lost some speed because of it.
Posts: 3236
Karma: 47
you son of a bitch you're back!!!!!!
Posts: 5961
Karma: 19
I got medium siver raven jacket. For pants I got some super dope XL green sessions pants. They are exellent and they were friggen free because the airline lost my luggage that had my pants in them so I just had to get new ones. then two days later they showed up but we still made those fuckers pay! THATS HOW WE DO!
Posts: 8345
Karma: 25
large siver stuka II and large siver tactical pants. its baggy, but not to the point where fasion out ways versatility.
Posts: 6204
Karma: 51
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