You can ride, but can you write? Can you shoot? We’re looking for writers, photographers, and anybody who’s got something to say in the freestyle world. Take your board postings up to the next level.
All you need is creativity, a camera and a keyboard. We want to know where you’re riding, what tricks you’re throwing down, about your unsponsored buddy who’s killing it, what gear you dig and what gear you don’t, competitions you were at, location reviews, etc. Getting into filming? Write about it. In fact, write/shoot whatever you want. If it’s good, we’ll make you rich & famous.
And by that we mean we’ll give you a venue to make a name for yourself in the action sports industry, and give you enough money for three cases of beer. This is more than a foot in the door; this is an opportunity to make a living with the sport you love; and if you’re really good, we’ll give you a weekly spot on our site and a salary.
Submit whatever you got to info@coldwarcollective (attn: Cultural Czar), along with your name and a way for us to get in touch with you to give you your bags of money. If we like your work, we’ll get in touch with you, and won’t publish anything without your consent. We reserve the right to edit and publish all submissions, and all submissions will become the property of Cold War Collective.
Oh yeah, and The Banquet is coming...