SOOOOOOOOOOOOO it's summer, and we're all bored, so let's have a little game going here.
We've already done this in previous threads, but i feel a fresh start is in order (peeps won't read 3 pages of posts so we'll get the same queries).
The rules of the game are simple: a certain someone (me) launches the game by stating a specific place on the globe (chads gap, the red square, area 51 etc...). The first person to post a picture from Google Earth of that specific location get's to choose a query of his choice, and so on and so forth.
The internet is a very useful tool in giving you coordinates to places that are difficult to find (such as Tchernobyl) so use it wisely, but try to make it fun and take your own screenshot.
If a task seems difficult, the dude who proposed the silly place can choose a new one.
So without further a do:
Find me the Giant Dipper on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk!