Alright before I post the E mails i exchanged with MSP, I would like you to know 2 things.
1. I realize my first email was quite harsh, i was pissed as many newschooolers were.
2. This does not mean i believe what MSP is saying, this is just relayed from emails between myself and MSP.
Alright Boys and Girls, here they are.
Me to MSP
Alright, take a look at that little gem.
Now, open up your new trailer. Now, Press the play button. And tell me the fucking difference between your titles and that tutorial.
And if you do have an explanation for this, i STRONGLY suggest that you proceed to and explain what has gone on in one of the numerous threads that have been made for the soul purpose of pointing all this shit out.
I really, sincerely hope that MSP is not going down the fucking drain like this. And that they didnt sink to a level this low.
Ohhh yeah! One More Thing MSP!
Explain this. TRUE OR FALSE MSP
the story goes: at the beginning of the season, TBC was lined up to make a second film, and began filming for it. they cut some of riders from the original film, and were going to make 'super pro' only film with 8-12 of the biggest names.
a little way into the season Steve Winter sat down with Helly Hansen to work out funding for the new MSP movie. Wanting more money for the film, Steve popped in a copy of Teddy Bear Crisis while with someone from Helly Hansen, and played the movie, counting the minutes and seconds of Helly Hansen product exposure and Oakley product exposure. All said and done, Oakley had more seconds of product exposure per dollar of funding contributed than Helly Hansen. Steve Winter explained to Helly Hansen that this was bullshit considering HH was TBC's presenting sponsor. HH also is the presenting sponsor for MSP's movie. Mr. Winter then told HH that no such discrepencies had occured in MSP's film, nor would such a thing happen in next years film. Explaining that MSP had much more promotional value to offer HH per dollar, Steve effectively convinced HH to withdraw from TBC as presenting sponsor, and rather to contribute the money to MSP instead.
Ostness, then struggling to find a presenting sponsor who could contribute as well as HH had, found TBC in a tight spot to be able have the neccessary funding in order to create a movie on the level of the original and still support himself.
Steve then offered Ostness more money than he could have made himself sans HH's funding, to film for MSP. Ostness, needing a for sure income and wanting to continue filming skiers for a living, accepted. This whole thing assured Winter more funding, more exclusiveness of the riders in his film (as MSP and TBC shared many of the same athletes), and effectively insured less competition when it came to DVD sales. This also effectively deprived us, the DVD consumers, of one of the most innovative film companies to come out in years.
Ostness is, as far I have heard, currently filming for MSP.
MSP responds
Thank you for writing directly to the source so we can respond to you and the truth doesn't get distorted by an internet chat community. Our graphics to the teaser intro were outsourced to a friend in Canada. If this person went to this tutorial or happens to be the guy who created the tutorial we are not sure, it is the graphics to a teaser we threw together in a day. We like the way the graphics looked so we used them. The real issue here is the flat out lies and rumors started on newschoolers. We would like to be involved with the newschool community because we respect the kids and the community that is there, however we cant visit this site and respond to every question or comment posted by a user because when we do it will either be deleted or we don't have the time to respond to continous lies on this site. We are in this industry because we love the sport and the people within. If you look at the original thread it was stated that the ski industry is full of rumors and this very well could be one of them. Its obviosly a complete rumor and it will be cleared up now. There was never such a meeting, as far as we now Gary at HH was planning to sponsor the new TBC movie and Henrik and Kris decided to do a Jon Olson movie instead. The only comments we have had on TBC was that everyone in this office loved the film and thought it was the most creative ski film out last year. And to clarify other said rumors Kris Ostness did not work for MSP this year, although we respect his work and feel he is one of the best ski cinematograhers in the business. Scott Gaffney posted a response on newschoolers and it was immediatley deleted by someone at newschoolers. We have had lots of positive emails and support from the industry about these threads that keep getting deleted by Newschoolers. I wish you post this on as will I, but I can guarentee you these will be deleted as were all previous MSP responses. Again we respect you for coming directly to us with your questions, we would rather spend our time skiing and filming than responding to all the lies on NS. Skiing is all about fun, lets keep it that way.