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I know it may look long for some of you but its worth the read.
As I was being board on the internet I stumbled onto this thing called Civil Asset Forfeiture. There are cases where police and the feds just seize people’s assets for suspecting them of crimes. They seize possessions worth thousands or even millions for offences that may result in fines or probation if they were ever brought to trail. It’s basically bullshit and a legal way that people in power are able to steal other people’s possessions. Police buy seized possessions for fractions of there value at police auctions that have been sized for offences that are not even criminal. It’s kind of scary that the police could do this to anyone if they have a little something against you. There was an example in an article about police seizing a family’s house because they suspected their son of selling weed. The police get away with this shit by saying that the property is tainted because illegal activities have been performed there. There motivated to take shit because they know they will be able to get what they take for almost nothing. Instead of going after real criminals they take from the innocent and something should be done about it.