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Need ideas for Proposal for park
Posts: 1802
Karma: 29
I am writing a proposal to my hill whitewater about a park and this is what i have so far. Any ideas you have just post them. i have also got a petition going.
Just the other day you released the plans for the hill over the next 25 years. I was moderately pleased with the ideas. One thing that struck me that was not there was plans for a terrain park. This baffles me. A terrain park would be a great edition to Whitewater for many different reasons. Over the last few years my friends and I have been noticing that more and more younger kids are heading out into the backcountry with little or no skills or knowledge to be out there. The reason they are headed out there is to build jumps. I know this as a fact. They are going to get hurt because they do not have the experience or the air sense that a park would allow kids to improve on. My friends and I go out to build jumps all the time with good knowledge about the dangers of skiing out of bounds, but this year alone with have had 4 injuries between us, good skiers and snowboarders. Imagine what might happen with younger kids. A park would keep kids in bounds and away from danger. Also another thing is that we get bored at the mountain. Yes, we do get great snow most of the year but there are those times where all we do is ski the same runs for weeks on end. A park would attract so many more people, especially kids, to come to whitewater. I know a lot of kids who do not buy passes because of the lack of a park. I have heard from many reliable sources that you are dead against parks. Why is this? I know liability is a big thing but a great way to get money for that is to charge for the park. When people buy a seasons pass, have an extra charge to be allowed in the park. I guarantee that all of the kids I know why ski and board would pay that extra money, up to about $40 more. A Park would also attract a lot of tourists here. Great snow, great terrain, and a great park.
The only enemy agaist progression is FEAR!
Posts: 3463
Karma: 35
give examples of places that have sweet parks adn show magazines like Freeze and snowboarding ones rating parks. this should show how mainstream they are
You don't know shit about fuck, my man-Robin Williams
Posts: 631
Karma: 11
ya name some places and tell them the park doesnt half to be super big, just build it up every year
if your not chaeting your not trying
Posts: 1797
Karma: 54
tell about how parks are not only for snowboarders but also attract many more sier bc of twintips, and how the freestyle aspect of skiing is blowing up and is considered the future sport
me: pepsi twist taste the exact same as normal pepsi.
my friend: no it doesnt , it has a twist.
Posts: 5063
Karma: 2,478
find Whistler and mammoth sales and show how much they have thrived with their parks...also doesnt Crystal mountain have a sick park, and they are the only midwest mountain i know about because of thier park...tell them that
'save the trees, wipe your ass with an owl!'
'Micheal Jackson was born a black man and will die a white woman'
Posts: 9458
Karma: 105
yay now i dont have to tell mike adams to get a fuckin park
If god turned ice into powder the east would be the next Bella Coola!
Posts: 9458
Karma: 105
by the way that is good
If god turned ice into powder the east would be the next Bella Coola!
Posts: 1802
Karma: 29
yah but give some input. I knwo you are from whitewater, what do you want to say to mike?
The only enemy agaist progression is FEAR!
Posts: 1797
Karma: 54
it may help to get all the kids in ur town to sign a sheet if they want a park nad if there willing to pay more on there tickett fr a park
me: pepsi twist taste the exact same as normal pepsi.
my friend: no it doesnt , it has a twist.
Posts: 1802
Karma: 29
What have any of you done to get your ski hill to pull there heads out of there asses?
The only enemy agaist progression is FEAR!
Posts: 3463
Karma: 35
i don't know how well a petition would work because my bet is it would be hard to find enough people for them to take it seriously.
try filming kids leaving for the backcountry or all of the jumps built out there
You don't know shit about fuck, my man-Robin Williams
Posts: 7813
Karma: 5
fix spelling and rephrase a bit. the ideas are good though. Make it seem more serious. mORE formal.
Posts: 3463
Karma: 35
get an Attorney or dress up.
You don't know shit about fuck, my man-Robin Williams
Posts: 1828
Karma: 19
reread the 13 line, it ways with have had 4 injuries alone, what you mean, i think is we
'moseley kicks ass, you guys are just jealous of his money and all the hot chicks he gets and his hair...beautiful hair, so soft, oohhhh'-alpentalik
skiing with sunglasses is extrememly gay! but skiing with sun glasses on and goggles on your head is straight.'- Alpentalik
I swear to follow the teachings of JMMT
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Karma: 129
tell em if they dont you'll beat them up
Have YOU ever had a bloody tampon in your mouth? Well let me tell ya, it ain't good times.
How many girls called you last night? zero. How many girls called you tonight? zero. heh, well, you know what they say son? zero plus zero equals FAG!!
1080s are easy. any half retarded baby licker could strap on a pair of fag sticks and spin around. if you want to do something that requires skill, why dont you faggots take up backcountry pogosticking.
Posts: 7813
Karma: 5
yeah and bring big guyys to make them really feel like they're goonna get it
Posts: 1802
Karma: 29
yah that will do the job
The only enemy agaist progression is FEAR!
Posts: 1802
Karma: 29
yah that will do the job
The only enemy agaist progression is FEAR!
Posts: 5773
Karma: 3,930
show the turn outs at other mountains...my mountain had a park last year and crapped out and didnt have one this year and ticket sales dropped hard core
'Fuck Skiing who wants to go ice fishing?'
-Surmise Ski Owner and Skier Corey Piersol
'You can't go steezy in tha treezy'
-Brian Class on Skiing in the Glades
When there is no grass on the field, play in the mud
-Pep Fujas
Posts: 11339
Karma: 796
i heard that bomb threats work really well in convincing people, try that
Creator of the NS Cousin Exchange Program
'Hey look, it's a Zamboni.' My not so intelligent friend after he saw the Loon Gondola
Stealth Ninja of the Silent Army
Viva la Resistance!
Posts: 279
Karma: 10
i'm no english teacher, but i reckon an indentation here and there wouldn't do any harm, ya know, have more than one paragraph...
'Who is your daddy, and what does he do?' -Detective John Kimball
Posts: 52
Karma: 10
I wouldn't talk about kids getting hurt on the hits in the back country, one reason resorts are hesitant about parks is they figure more kids are going to get hurt within their resort boundaries.
I really like these high speed 6 man quads
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Karma: 75
Tell them that having a park is safer than having kids build there own jumps because a park is consistent and monitored.
My girlfriend told me to shove my skis up my ass
Posts: 1802
Karma: 29
Here is the revamped version of it for ya..
Just the other day you released the plans for the hill over the next 25 years. I was moderately pleased with the ideas. One thing that struck me that was not there was plans for a terrain park. This baffles me. A terrain park would be a great addition to Whitewater for many different reasons.
Over the last few years my friends and I have going out into the backcountry to build jumps and are capable with dealing with situations that arise. Avalanche danger, rocks in landings, bad jumping spots and other important observations. We have been noticing that more and more younger kids are heading out also with very little skill or knowledge about the terrain that they are in and totally surrounded by. The reason they are headed out there is to build jumps. I know this as a fact. They are going to get hurt because they do not have the experience or the air sense that a park would allow kids to improve on. My friends and I go out to build jumps all the time with the knowledge about the dangers of skiing out of bounds, but this year alone we have had 4 injuries between us, because out there the stakes are much higher. Imagine what might happen with younger kids. A park would keep kids in bounds and away from danger.
Another thing is that we get bored at the mountain. Yes, we do get great snow most of the year but there are those times where all we do is ski the same runs for weeks on end. It would add much enjoyment to our ski season and bring tourists all the way up to the last weekend. A park would attract so many more people, especially kids, to come to Whitewater. I know a lot of kids who do not buy passes because of the lack of a park. A Park would also attract a lot of tourists here. Great snow, great terrain, and a great park, this is a winning combination. If you have not noticed, most mountains that are a decent size have parks. Parks bring people to the mountains.
Tending to the park on a daily basis is not mandatory. I know you are saying that with all the snow that we get, grooming the park would take a lot of effort and money. Well then, during the time that it snows a lot groom every few days. It does not really matter that much. We will all be just skiing on those days. Possibly even groom twice a week. Fridays would be good so the park for the weekend would be well set up. Tuesday is another prime day because not too many people come during the week so grooming it for one day would probably be fine for the rest of the week.
I have heard from many reliable sources that you are dead against parks. Why is this? I know liability is a big thing but a great way to get money is to charge for the park. When people buy a seasons pass, have an extra charge to be allowed in the park. I guarantee that all of the kids I know why ski and board would pay that extra money to have full admission into a park.
Kids are wanting to do more jumps because of the recent explosion of twin tip skis. For kids that are under seventeen, this is all that we have known since we have been seriously into skiing. All of the big name movies have terrain parks and jumps. This is the direction that skiing is heading and you should embrace it. If you are worried about kids hurting themselves all you have to worry about is the design of a park. If a park is designed well then accidents are down to a minimum. I have visited many other mountains in the past two years and gone out of my way to ask patrols how many accidents that they have in the park. It is shocking that it is not that many. It is mostly people that have no experience at all in skiing that do not know how handle the park.
The only enemy agaist progression is FEAR!
Posts: 9984
Karma: 19
just add a good conclusion, and try not to make it sound like a place for little kids to learn, or ull get a shitty park
::Viva la Resistance!::
Posts: 1854
Karma: 10
explain to them that it will MAKE THEM MORE MONEY. show them some examples of how it has made money for other resorts, (ticket sales, comps, ect...)
bitches dig stitches
Posts: 133
Karma: 14
for a shitty little hill in northern alberta we never had a park until 2 years ago when me and a few buddies got a petition and we got people to sign sign sign and in 5 months we had our very first terrian park, and this year it has progressed so much, and next year there is going to be a begginer and advanced like this year but also a new run made for the northern extreme freestlye team with some wikked terrain....also we are getting water ramps opening july 1st, I think for 3 years our little city has progressed so very very much PEACE
P R O U D___C A N A D I A N
Ah fuck it, just huck it..EH
Posts: 1802
Karma: 29
thanks alot man
The only enemy agaist progression is FEAR!
Posts: 891
Karma: 12
yea show how many places weren crap, like vail, i didnt really no about it untill a park came, then it took opfwiff the games n stuff, its well worth it, good luck
Hush little baby dont say a word, and never mind that voice you heard, its just a beast under your bed, in your closet in your HEAD!
Posts: 891
Karma: 12
yea show how many places weren crap, like vail, i didnt really no about it untill a park came, then it took opfwiff the games n stuff, its well worth it, good luck
Hush little baby dont say a word, and never mind that voice you heard, its just a beast under your bed, in your closet in your HEAD!
Posts: 4705
Karma: 496
Mix it up a little, I think the word park is just a little overused. Sometimes say 'terrain park' and where it makes sense say something as simple as 'it'
Posts: 69
Karma: 10
yeah it would be cool for wh20 to get a park but i dont think we will. whitewater would have to upgrade their insurance and that cost a lot of fucking money any ways they tried to get on in 96 but a week later it snowed 5 feet and buried it. i hope your leter works
Posts: 127
Karma: 10
you could mention hosting contests and how that will draw media attention, and show how magazines such as freeze will will give them attention for having a park. and maybe show a stat of how many resorts have park vs how many do not, show them its mainstream to have park
Posts: 2706
Karma: 12
maybe they realized that since your get feet or pow per week, having a park is relatively useless because they would have to be digging it out all the time.
sacrifice, to some its just a word, to others it is a code, what matters is the colony, he is willing to live for the colony, fight for the colony, die for the colony.
Posts: 1531
Karma: 19
i wouldn't pay 40+ dollars just to go into a park
' Anyone smell that up-G?' Chris Turpin
I flunked out of school cause i'm hardcore.
And this whole time i thought my penis was just inside out.
Posts: 9939
Karma: 15
a: learn some grammar and how to spell
b: if you're mountain's really that weak, theyre not going to know how to groom a park and it's probably going to suck and you're better off in the b/c with a little extra cash in you pockets and a little less pain from racking yourself. good luck anyway.
Posts: 279
Karma: 10
i agree with crystal needs. if this letter does anything, it will convince the owners of the mountain to either a) donate all of their profits to erradicating (look it up) illiteracy or b) kill themselves. either way the dice rolls, you aren't getting a park. so move to a place with a good park and quicherbitchin
'Who is your daddy, and what does he do?' -Detective John Kimball
Posts: 1802
Karma: 29
hey fuck you buddy, i bet that you guys have a park at your mountain..and you have no idea what is like to have a mountain with so many opportunities of expansion or at least working better with the terrain that they have. On down weeks here all we do is ride the same 2 groomers for days on end and we do not have alot of vertical so as you can clearly understand it gets boring.
The only enemy agaist progression is FEAR!
Posts: 3412
Karma: 69
maybie u can tell them u'll help them
or u'll give support
talk a lot about $
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