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George W.'s superior intellect
Posts: 1667
Karma: 214
"The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."
"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'. "
"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."
"The future will be better tomorrow."
"We're going to have the best educated American people in the world."
"I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."
"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe We are a part of Europe."
"Public speaking is very easy."
"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."
"We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur. "
"For NASA, space is still a high priority."
"Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."
"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
Posts: 2088
Karma: 17
hes a good ol boy you dumb cunt. dont question him
Posts: 9304
Karma: 3,670
Posts: 2083
Karma: 28
Posts: 6715
Karma: 267
When you have that much public exposure, you're bound to say something stupid.
You know that at some point or another, you have said something just as stupid, if not worse, as what is above.
Posts: 3023
Karma: 21
also news flash morons...
Posts: 10035
Karma: 8,128
george W bush, is a very intellig... pffftt ahahahahahaha sorry i couldnt say taht straigh... he's a fucking moron.. and as far as i know i havent said that much stupid shit in my life time and he's been running for president how long now?
Posts: 1211
Karma: 10
haha, george and his speeches
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
I can't imagine what the Daily Show will be like when Bush isn't president anymore.....that's reason 1 of 1 why I will miss him in two years.
Posts: 6680
Karma: 15
cheap bite off of family guy. good try though.
Posts: 4636
Karma: 31
hahaha "you've got to put food on your family" is another...he's about as retarded as his supporters
Posts: 173
Karma: 10
Posts: 1642
Karma: 24
bush is a faggot, i hate that thunder cunt licking bitch.... do i fit in now, DO I! i just want to be cool and sound smart!
Posts: 6598
Karma: 18
bahahahahahahahahaha, that just made my day
Posts: 3023
Karma: 21
well you can call him a moron... but he managed to become leader of the most powerful nation in the world, and im sure you've said as much stupid stuff, just you don't constantly have tv cameras running on you. Hell look at your post you only capitalized the W in his name! We all can be 100% all the time cut him some slack.
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
Like right there, for example.
Posts: 10750
Karma: 7,995
a lot of speakers have become famous by stating the obvious. Glance through any famous quotes book or website; most of the quotes are common sense. Gotta hand it to W though, some of those are really funny.
Posts: 2310
Karma: 169
not that i am pro bush in the least, but all of those quotes are from dan quayle the vice-president of the united states in the first bush administration
Posts: 3517
Karma: 36
at least he means the best, and isnt being the typical lting cutthroat politician
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
Ok, so let's go through every stupid thing you've ever said in front of a crowd k?
Posts: 11256
Karma: 428
I don't think that's the point. By electing him as president you expect him to do better than the average person, right? If the performance standards for U.S. president were set so anybody could do it, why would we bother trying to find the best candidate. I don't know about you, but I have higher expectations for the leader of one of the world's superpowers.
Posts: 2038
Karma: 20
i guess that just reflects the lack of intelect in your country
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
Yes, I understand he's an idiot, we all know it; but give it a fuckin rest already.
Posts: 1248
Karma: 8
haha he is so stupid. my dad has a bumper sticker that says "My child is an honor student, my pesident is a moron"
Posts: 3001
Karma: 375
that's because his policy, speaches, and tactics are all written by people much smarter than him.
Posts: 2367
Karma: 13
George W. Bush is my favorite comedian!
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
hahaha, W makes me roflmao
Posts: 542
Karma: 13
dan quayle was the best. that dude said so much stupid shit. and yes bush is an idiot. he's fucking up this country so bad. i'm gonna move to canada if it gets any worse
Posts: 3301
Karma: 13
same, if they reinstate the draft, hello canada
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
Why does America insist moving to Canada is the answer to everything? You are overreacting so much. You say "if it gets any worse". If what gets any worse? The economy? News flash people: IT'S A WORLDWIDE wconomic slump not just the US. The .com era is no more and it's bound to come down from a high. The market can't rise forever. I would really like to know what is wrong with this country. You say he's running it into the ground. Why? All I ask is that you give reasons for what you say and not say things out of arrogance. That is all.
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
The problem is, so many kids on the site, and all over the US are fuckin pussys and won't accept that living in such a free place is a PRIVILEGE and when it needs to be payed for in return, they run away like bitches.
Posts: 8871
Karma: 1,509
That and the fact that hating on Bush without a reason is cool.
Posts: 10928
Karma: 36
well, naturally. I mean, every guy that makes a mistake when he speaks in front of millions of people deserves to be laughed at right?
Posts: 996
Karma: 23
Everyone here is such a dumbass. In the last month I've seen so many anti-Bush threads and posts, and not a single person on this site has a right to do that kind of shit. It is ok to not like him as a leader, but to call the man an idiot because of a few things hes said is not fucking fair. everyone on this site has said so much more dumb shit then him, they just dont have columnists and TV cameras following them around. And to call the man an idiot because of his leadership is just ridiculous. If he were really a moron, he would never have become the president of the most powerful nation in the world, nevermind for two terms. Not one single person on this site could do a better job than he is doing, and nobody could be under that kind of pressure and not say dumb shit. Every president has said his fair share of dumb comments, but nobody seems to rag on them as much as they do Bush. Seriously now, stop posting shit about george Bush on this site, it is getting so fucking old. We all know that all of the 14 year olds on this site dislike him for reasons they dont even know, but thats no reason for 15 threads on the same exact shit.
Posts: 542
Karma: 13
it's not the draft i'm worried about. id do it. it's the fact that i spent over 100,000 on college..and bush and his people are fucking over everyone who's not rich. i'm going to be an air traffic controller..and he's cutting our pay by more than half, taking away benefits, and lengthening our hours.
so if you ever fly, i'd think twice about supporting bush because he doesn't give a shit about safety. and that's only one small issue that he's caused. if you support the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer..he's all yours
Posts: 2092
Karma: 15
I think you misunderestimate some people on this site.
Posts: 1393
Karma: 12
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