Why does the US goverment still hold the inmates at gitmo, Even though 8% of inmates there are actually known to be hostill to the US and its Allies?
3 inmates hung themselves on saturday, and there have been numerous suicide atempts.
The Goverment still holds them even though the media (not just the US media)
Shows it to the people.
Why isn't any foreign countrys stepping in? Why are the people not angry?
Is it because the goverment is making statements that don't add up?
How do people go about thier lives knowing that their goverment is tortoring people to the extent that they would kill themselves.
The goverment says that the people who hung themselves were terroists and wanted to die. After the statement all documents on the 3 where siezed.
3 british inmates were released awhile back, they said it was the worst thing you could imagine.
They said that they did not think of suicide but some people are stronger then others.
Why do these things happen?