hey look at the old message history here.. i love it when people move to PMs to try and hide themselves being owned from everyone else while still trying to maintain dignity by continuing to debate
a-guy-who-ski...* --> freestyle_rich*
well i seemed to provide you with an at least half decent answer as to what energy is and where it comes from, where as you are un able to tell me were god comes from.
all god was, was a reason for being untill we developed our sciences enough to understand for ourselves... and all religion was, was a way for the intelligent people to gain and maintain control over less inteligent people, once they were in power knowledge became bad.. this is how they maintained control, by making people scared of discovering things on thier own which is why religion was the governing body of rules and law throughout so much of human history.
Date Sent: June 10 2006 23:16:03 - (read)
freestyle_rich* --> a-guy-who-ski...*
i dont know
Date Sent: June 10 2006 23:13:14 - (read)
a-guy-who-ski...* --> freestyle_rich*
how did god come to be?
it goes both ways, but as i said earlier, energy does not have mass, and therefore is not considered matter, so it exists, but it simlutaeneously does not exist. energy is nothing but it is also something... it is very difficult for someone to understand unless they have heavily researched quantum physics.
Date Sent: June 10 2006 23:10:23 - (read)
freestyle_rich* --> a-guy-who-ski...*
how does energy come to be?
Date Sent: June 10 2006 23:06:48 - (read)
a-guy-who-ski...* --> freestyle_rich*
absolutely.. proven scientific fact, if you go to school talk to a physics teacher they will explain it all to you.
Date Sent: June 10 2006 23:04:57 - (read)
freestyle_rich* --> a-guy-who-ski...*
so you're saying that energy has always been and always will be "there forever"
Date Sent: June 10 2006 23:01:45 - (read)
a-guy-who-ski...* --> freestyle_rich*
no there has been energy for ever. you could argue god is simply energy in the form of photons, ie electromagnetic radiation is the sence that all matter came from this energy slowly combining into mass, despite the fact energy has no mass, im sure you have heard of the E=MC^2 equation which relates energy to mass, meaning with energy should it combine in the right quantities at the right time, mass and therefore matter can be made. look at things such as entropy, everything that happens if you know your laws of thermodynamics leads to useless waste energy, aka HEAT. now after billions of years there will no longer be matter because it will have all converted back into energy.. and eventually this energy will come together and restart the whole process again and create a "second" big bang. you see. there is no such thing as 'something from nothing' everything comes out of everything. there always has been and always will be. there is NO spontaneous creation of matter or energy.
Date Sent: June 10 2006 22:55:22 - (read)
freestyle_rich* --> a-guy-who-ski...*
something from nothing didnt happen? i dont understand why you are trying to say, and yes i have read the experiemtns over and over explain what you mean when you say something from nothing did not happen