a piece of advice :the specialized p2 is the biggest poser bike ever. don't get me wrong, i understand that some ppl who ride it are good, and some are amazing, but half the people who buy it do so because it looks good and they wanna look good emselves. if you're gonna buy a p-series, get the p-3 cuz its def worth the up in $$. if ur doing a lot of free ride stuff like stair gaps and drops, maybe u should go for a fully or something. what's ur price-range? if u want freeride bikes, theres a few. the banshee chaparral is a great bike, and can range from anywhere between 1400 to 4700 US. for norco, the ppl who put down norco bikes up there ^ are gayasses. the norco shore series is great for extreme freeride and ranges from 2300 to 4100 Canadian. if you're leaning towards specialized, the big hit is great. if u've never ridden a giant bike, i reccomend em, and for what you want, you can either go for the reign series, which ranges from 2100 to 4000 bucks, or the faith series, which goes from 2400 to 4100. personally, i wouldn't reccomend santa cruz bikes because the geometry makes the cockpit feel really cramped. if you want a hard tail, there's obviously the p-series, but theres a few others that you might like as well. there's the giant STP, which goes for either 700, 1200, or 1000 if you want a single speed model. the norco hard tails worth looking at are as follows: Sasquatch - 1200, Manik - 1400, Rampage - 1600, and Torrent - 2200 (all in Canadian). the banshee morphine goes anywhere between 600 and 3700 american, and there are 4 different models of it. oh there's also kona bikes. the good kona fullys are the stinky and the coiler, which range from 1700 to 4700 american. their hardtails can go anywhere from 800 to 1200 american, but i warn you that these can also be serious poser bikes (if you're good and you use a kona hard, don't get mad - same deal as with the p2). any other questions about bikes or componetns, PM me.