My school has decided to do a bullshit summer reading assingment, we have to read 2 books and do packets on them and then write a report on them. The people who put this in to effect are fucking retards, the thing says "regardless of race, socioeconomic, level or previous achievement, children who read more books over the summer scored higher on reading comprehension tests in the fall more than those who did not, summer learning losses in all subjects are avoided."
They are fucking retarded, of course kids who read during the summer get better scores because the kids who said they read during summer are the kinds a kids who just study all day and that kind of stuff, and to prove that point it also says that kids who read during summer avoid learning losses in all subjects, how is reading long ass boring books going to help me remember calculus? That means the kids who did read, studied other stuff OMG!! They need to look at other things when doing fucking surveys, it's simple statistics.
Sorry, for the rant but this is rediculous, it seems like it should be against the law.