This is the cover title of the dec or jan issue of B.A.M.S...the magazine of the American Meteorological Society.
if you ski in Western North America
it is likely this article will be
very meaningful to you.
You can download this issue as a PDF from the link above. This is a monthly magazine in print, and is free.
With all the global warming talk, i remembered this issue, and thought it would be good for us to see unbiased, hard data, facts, etc. from which to use our own logic to draw conclusions regarding the matter; instead of Bush telling you not to believe this, and someone else telling you to believe that. Most of the data is put onto maps of the areas, and nifty graphs, so you get a good visual, and it really lets you put it all into perspective.
Instead of theory and speculation, this article largely consists of and is based on statistical data, scientific analysis, FACT! You can see statistically the drastic decline in snowpack in much of the areas in the listed states, their correlation to rising temperatures, and which areas have and potentially will remain largely uneffected, all compared with data from the past 100 years. Along with this you will also hear how the leading meteorological scientists in america interpret this data for the long term (next 50 years...our skiing futures) future of snow in our mountains.