heres what I think i subliminally concluded while amking this thread but was too tired to think:
Absinthe is the eptiome of a creative orignal film company. like MSP, they have a pretty large budget, because when snowboarding formed, i guess, emphasis was put on creaqtivty and progression and those companies were reward with sales and $$$$-also snowboarding doesn't have an older fartbag population to support lame warren-miller-esque companies. somehow the snowboarding industry managed to reward the creative, orginal progressive film companies and thats why snowboardin films are so good today.
MSP-when skiing began to get cool again MSP emerged, touting big moutnian as the evolution of skiing. luckily they found seth, and he basically made them who they are today. i'm guessing that the sales of seth-driven (mcconkey helped too) 'ski-movies' they established themselves as a prominent ski company, and thus, became heavily endorsed...$$$=MSP. with a huge budgety MSP proceeds to do teh same shit every year: a huge jump in whistler, super slow-mo esthetic semi-progressive newschool tricks against the sunset...pollard in SM3 (2002) henrik? (that 7 tail) in fucking 2006-2007 same fucking formula same fuckign shit. absinthe with this huge budget has apparently been using BC cable-cams a fuckgin huge development with allowance of sick rediculous bc shots. i will put my faith in absinthe for revolutionizing big mountain shots too, to eliminate that "far away an on mountain" shot. i guess if you have a heli, thats sort of taken car eof though ($$$$$$$$).
TBC in my opinion was skiing version of absinthe. not to knock on the smaller progressive comanies, but somehow TBC, prolyl through ostness/rostrups names (through previous films etc.), locked onto several sick athletes and sponsors, and managed to get a good sized budget (though much smaller than MSP's you can be sure). just like absinthe they used sick shots (cable cams over snowbird halfpipe, not bc yet but close), and waaaaaaaaaaaay creative editing giving a fresh movie that flowed amazingly and demands rewatching just liek crack demands resmoking (i think i'm seriousyl going to go rewatch it now). the genius of ostness lied in his knowledge of the LCC and rediculosu gaps/lines etc, another key feature of sick progressive movies.
in summary.
Absinthe represents teh epitome of a progressive orignal film company, while MSP represents the epitome of a stagnant, unoriginal ski company who locks onto a winning formula, steals teh best athletes from progressive companies, and tehn produces the ame shit every year.
i viewed TBC as skiing savior comapny whose popularity could grow, sales would grow and sponsor would learn tghat progessive ski companies woudl be the best investment, insetead of the same-old same-old. i guess that vision is fucked and we're stuck with awful MSP for awhile. FUCK MSP